Freitag, 14. November 2014

Blake, Fang, Belca and Ky in "Mindgames"

Blake had been determined to find Fang ever since the two Woodbury guards had reported how Fang took them to the prison under false pretenses, threatening the residing people there (At the time it will be remembered, there were only Malik, Dana, Belca, Ky and Annie, while Dixie was out scouting) but also promising them, that he would make sure to keep Blake away from the prison. Blake is furious about his former friend's act of treachery and lies. Blake's hope to unite the scattered groups under one safe roof aka the prison is now crushed and brings back his old demons. Thanks to the new man Daryl, Fang was found and sized. He is now kept on the top floor in one of the Woodbury apartments guarded night and day. When Blake and his men are about to fetch Fang for interrogation and possibly a fast clean end, they are interrupted by the arrival of Belca and Ky in Woodbury asking for help, because Belca is injured. They are let in and exposed to a disturbing comedy of mind games and ambiguous acting. The prisoner Fang seems quite relaxed regarding what grim fate Blake insinuates, while Blake openly tells the visitors that they are invited to stay and watch the "floor show", indicating Fang's public torture or execution. All this makes Belca and Ky very uneasy. Only because Belca is not fit to travel straight away, they take on Blake's offer to stay and rest in Woodbury for a while.

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