Dienstag, 11. November 2014

Annie, Danasea, Malak, Dixie, Lex, Ky, Belca in "Splitting up and Terminus"

At the Prison the situation erupts when the shocked Dixie learns about the betrayal of her husband Fang. The others fear him and Lex suggests to find him and put him on trial. Dixie asks to spare his life until she had a chance to speak to him and learn about his true motives, suspecting Fang had a plan behind his stunt. But Malak, Danasea and Annie don't feel comfortable in the prison anymore, they don't want to be drawn into a war between the Prison and the Woodbury. So they leave, together with Ky and Belca. After a long foot march they arrive at the mysterious place Terminus. They find the entrance scattered with corpses, wondering what killed the former inhabitants, coming to the conclusion that the Terminus people may have been some kind of religious cult group as everything points to a mass suicide. But the warm and friendly ambiente fascinates them, the place itself seems to be good, a place of hope. They decide to stay, determined to make it their home.

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