Freitag, 31. Januar 2014


Some days later, Gera and her little boy reach the house. The place is empty, has been deserted for days.  There is blood on the floor, wood blanks nailed  over the broken windows. The reminder of Mia's dramatic loss of her hand but Gera does not know this. She finds some of Mias and Inferialis things and hopes that they could escape. Gera is too exhausted and tired and hungry to leave straight away. But looking at the broken windows and the blood, she feels that this new shelter is not safe.

Inferialis is on foot, armed with only a hand gun, losing her way in the woods. Only a mile away from the prison, she is attacked by a group of walkers. She dies with the name of her daughter on her lips.

Back at the house, Gera is surprised by an intruder, a tall emaciated looking man with a slight german accent. Instead of a gun, he carries a guitar case on his back. When she asks him why, he explains to her:" This guitar saved my life". He helps her to destroy some zombies who were almost breaking into the house. He seems slightly of his rocker, talking weird, having sudden giggling fits, often choking up with tears but at the same time he seems so human and warmhearted that Gera instantly trusts him. She is at the end of her strength and grateful for his company and support. Ludger played in a band before the outbreak, his band bus was attacked, he was the only surviver. He saw his band mates turning, locked himself inside the bus , talked and screamed and sang to them, not comprehending what had happened to them.

Ludger had told Gera that he had met a man called Blake a few weeks before but that they were attacked and lost sight of each other. Gera and Ludger decide they will leave the house and make it to the county prison, hoping the thick walls offer protection. They are lucky and come across only a few stray walkers on their way through the woods. When they reach the prison there are armed men at the gates but they let them in. A man walks towards them to greet them warmly. Ludger can not believe his eyes for the man is Blake.

They are taken inside, given food, warm beds. Gera is overwhelmed. Ludger and Blake later sit together for hours, talking and drinking. Soon Ludger is drunk and Blake shows him to his quarters.  The next morning Gera and Ludger meet for breakfast. They are adament never to leave here again. The Prison seems the closest one will ever get to paradise and Gera is in awe of the saviour Blake.

The group of men, women in children at the prison is steadily growing. Blake sends the men out in groups every day to hunt for supplies. 
One day Gerard arrives at the prison. After an argument with the guards, Mia appears at the gate and as she can vouch for him, they let him in. Gerard notices an extreme change in the girl. She is cold and even points a gun at him at one point, thinking he wants to steal their supplies. But then she breaks down and he learns from the heartbroken girl what has happened since the last time they saw each other. The attack of the lake house, the break up of the group. And the most terrible thing, the death of her mother.

Mia had come face to face with the walking corpse of her mom, she stood in the midst of a group of stray by the prison fence one day. Mia seems to be losing her mind. She talks to her mother as if she standing next to her. Mia also pleads with Gerard to get out and get help. Mia believes Blake is sinister. She claims she has seen injured people arriving, saved by Blake but these people have disappeared. Gerard is not sure what to believe but he promises Mia to leave the prison and to think of a plan to get Mia away from there too.

Blake is driving to the town alone, something he does occasionally even though he keeps telling the people always to go in groups. In the town he is surprised by a huge group of zombies. He runs to the gun shop for safety, a trail of undead behind him. Unaware that the gun shop is occupied, he find himself face to face with a guy in complete fighting gear, a gas mark hides his face. The strangers guns the walkers down. The men escape to the roof.

The man introduces himself as "Puly". He talks with a strong eastern european accent and describes himself as a Survivalist. Blake invites him back to the prison, since the gun shop is not livable anymore, now with the zombies inside. Puly agrees to come with Blake, he offers his knowledge of survival tactics and his experience with weapons. Back at the prison, Puly takes of his mask and gear. He is a young man with dark short cropped hair and a handsome face. Blake invites him to drink with him. But Puly asks him if he has mushrooms by any chance. "No" says Blake:" i don't do drugs" Puly smiles and explains to Blake that Fungi actually can be used to purify water. A blessing in a world  where fresh water is rare. Again Blake realizes that this man will be a strong asset for the group. When they part to get some sleep they have decided that Puly will start giving shooting lesson to the prison people as soon as possible. 

On a trip to the town Puly gets into a gun fight with another guy. Puly overwhelms him and realizes the other one is only a boy. Puly moves around and picks up the kid's face, looking him right in the eyes.  "Don't fuck with me again, or next time I'm gonna do MUCH worse than cap your ass and stomp the shit out of you," he said in a soft, calm voice, staring the boy in the eyes.

The boy, whose name is Kel whispers "Yes sir," in a timid voice.  He terrified of what the man would bring...
Puly dropps him roughly and straightens his back out as he continues to stare him down.  Slowly he turns to the door, and ejects his mag, leaving it on the ground..  "Tell no one you saw me..." he said as he loads in a new one.
Kel rolls over in pain, on his back,fighting back tears and sheepishly nodded.  "Yes sir..."

The next day Puly gives his first lessons to some of the prison group, including Gera.

Later that day, Blake and Gera get involved, having a deep conversation. Gera tells him about her fears and heartbreak, that she would not be able to let go of her baby son, should anything happen..and it is clear what  she means. Blake promises her with a strong raspy emotional voice that he would put a gun to the temple of anybody who would try to hurt her child. Overwhelmed by this man who seems to understand her deeply, who gives her the feeling of  complete protection and compassion, she falls into his arms and his bed…

Ludger senses Gera's growing obsession with Blake and asks her about it. She tells him that Blake is the only one understands her. She tells him, Ludger being Blake's friend should after all know that Blake can be trusted but Ludger says: He is not my friend, we just happened to stay together for awhile seeking shelter. Gera confesses to Ludger her view about what she would do if her son would get infected. Ludger is torn between compassion and shock.

One day, a woman bumps into Blake in the prison.  She is very thin and pale. Large bags under her eyes, aging her by many years. Turning a young 26 year old into a 40 year old. And yet she is quite beautiful. He learns that she has been living in the prison for over a week now. He apologizes, telling her, he is sometimes too wrapped up in work to greet new residents of the prison. The woman who introduces herself as Rapid is a doctor, specialized on infectious disease. Blake is very pleased indeed. Proudly he shows her the Prisons medical compartment, asking her to stay with them. She is reluctant. "I don't do well in groups" she states immediately. And adds that she has conditions.

 "If i see or hear anything I don't like, or makes me feel like my safety is at risk. I walk, no questions asked. No trying to stop me. nada. If any force is used on me that threatens my life, I am not responsable for anyone who gets harmed as a result. I am not to be a prisoner because of my skill, I can leave and stay if I please. We clear?" Blake shakes his head surprised and amused and assures her that everybody in the prison lives there because they want  to. During their conversation, Blake reveals to her how he came to the prison, how he had lost wife and child and how he wanted to die but was saved by some people who had seeked shelter here. Rapid remains cold and detached and suspicious. Her tough demeanor seems to be her armor, protecting her vulnerable soul. They have a drink together, the usual Blake routine. She tells Blake"Listen, I'm not one for sitting around the campfire and sharing life stories. You want me to be a doctor, i'm going to do just that. I work in infectious disease, I'm going to have to do a general physical on everyone....Which includes sexual health so for the women I hope to hell you have speculums and microscopes down there. I saw swabs so..". "I'm just trying to do my best to protect those who are still alive, since i couldn't do shit out there for the people who were first infected…"Blake tells her" Listen, as much as I appreciate your skills and dedication, your attitude I am not fond of." He advices her to give it time before she comes over too strongly. Rapid  looks at him and shrugs, sipping her scotch "Well, I'm not quick to trust, so you'll excuse me for being a bit hard and fast about my methods. You aren't the first people who needed a doctor." She narrows her eyes darkly, remembering the last people she helped.

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