Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

APRIL 2014

Colton, Jill and Blake in "Clash of opinions"

Blake runs into Colton, a new member of the prison group. Colton tells him, he arrived a few days ago, that he is the last of what was a military camp stationed outside of the city, they were low on supplies and basically not on the grid to the military anymore so they had to go with what they had, but he was the only one to make it.  It was basically a suicide mission, they were put there to protect the scientists and bring them new "test subjects" but once they had went through all their options and still finding no cure the men were of no use to the military so they dropped them from the grid and stopped all contact with them. Colton saw the prison and entered from the back where the fences were down, so he kind of let himself in, but the others residents welcomed him in with open arms. Blake regards Colton's admiral, they talk about repairing the vehicles parking in the yard. They spot a female by the gate and let her in. Her is Jill, they all go inside and the men question Jill. Since she is on her own, how did she make the long journey without weapons. She explains, she is alone because from her experience a group only slows her down. Colton is suspicious. "I just find it hard to believe, i'm not calling you a liar, or trying to call you out, but i know first hand what is in the city, not just biters, but crazy rebel groups that will kill you just for the shirt on your back, thats where i lost many of my men, you can stay on the streets and get killed by biters, or sneak through the woods and get caught by crazy assholes." Jill reacts offhand and sarcastic:" "Your fence has weakpoints across it's entire length, your vehicles haven't moved in a while, you have little tactical experience and you have shown no evidence of building up a sustainable infrastructure.." she stands and curtsies "I feel it would be a waste of my services to stay here" she smiles sadly "Thanks for the beer Blake" Colton and her argue a while longer, and it becomes quite clear that Colton is grateful for being with the prison and is more than willing to do his part in the community and even die for the others if anything should happen. Jill acts more aloof  and it remains vague why she was seeking them out in the first place when she only after a short while is determined to leave again. But then Colton asks her for a quiet chat and the outcome is that she stays and promises to help with the repair of the vehicles in the yard.

Gerard and Jennifer in "Trespassers"

Jennifer is one of the survivors who has taken up camp on the top of cliff that Puly had build. One day, she meets Gerard, who is still drifting between the town and the woods. They become friendly and decide to check out the prison, which Jennifer has observed from her camp. They drive there on his Harley. As Gerard knows the guards from his last visit, they are let inside. Most inhabitants are out on supply runs or sleeping and Gerard does not see Mia or Gera. They find the lab. Shocked and not able to grasp for what reason the prison people keep a zombie there, they destroy the walker, using a knife. They leave the prison. On their way back, they have an accident, are closed in by zombies and are forced to spend the night at the barn.

Puly and Blake in "The bomb"

A bomb explodes in the lab, when Blake is about to enter the room. Temporarly unconscious he is found by Puly who had arrived at the Prison exactly at the moment when the bomb went off. Puly helps the stunned Blake, examines him but finds that he is apart from some minor scratches. They both wonder astonished where that bomb came from and who might be responsible. Blake also questions Puly about his leaving, since a note was all he left and his apparent infection. Puly tells him that the illness luckily turned out to be have been some kind of flu. He then tells Blake about his experiences out there since the time of his departure. "I discovered a dying soldier outside of Shiner," he said simply, then helped him sit in a chair. After that he clipped his MP5 onto his back and shook the penlight a few times, "Same sickness that I had, combined with a nasty bite. Took him a while to die, but I was able to learn a bit about the infection with his help," he explains. what I found on the soldier was interesting, the infection seems to only spread when you die or get bitten, or somehow get infected fluids into your system. Hanging around infected doesn't spread it."I'm also fairly sure burying the dearly depart, and even burning them, could result in an ecological disaster that would potentionally make Chernobyl a preferable place to live other this place" Blake responds that safety would demand strict order and absolute diciplin, and all that on top of the daily fight for food and such. He could press that easily in the tight community of the prison, but outside there is chaos all around.. The town is a disaster, so is any other region around them. 
"Which is why I've been gone longer than expected, spreading this news to however many people I could. Speaking of being gone... I've forget to set up a radio here, for contact. Simple HAM Radio, primarily usually Morse Code for broadcasting. Easiest on short-range broadcasting." tells Puly. Blake seems bitter, stating the fact that Puly left them for good then. Puly explains that his loyalty hasn't changed  but that he can not bare to sit safe behind the walls knowing that there are people outside suffering. So he makes rounds to teach people and leaves radios to build up a network. This is incidentally an idea that Ren had since the beginning. Ah. I see. You leave radios. Splendid. replys Blake cynical and carries on:" So you have decided to take it all on yourself now to save...the universe?" He sighs, then lays a hand on Pulys shoulder:" Look, I understand your sentiments, its...a noble cause...and you also know that i would never force anybody to stay with with us. But to be honest with you, right now you are one of the few people I trust, one of the few I can rely on." Pulemetchik quietly listened to Blake's speech. He was partially right, even passed his own guise, he was an honest man. How he was raised, it made him rethink a lot. "You still put a lot of faith in a mystery man you never knew, Blake. I can't say..that part of me doesn't want to leave the prison. Another part of me wants to just hand this dufflebag to you and head out the door, another wants me to spill the truth and blow my own brains out, and the last part of me wants to run. I've spent...enough time out there to see a lot, enough to make me numb to the people, but at the same time sympathetic and urged to assist," he explained, running a hand over his face. "I'm not sure what I can accomplish, that camp I had is now tucked away, the people I was letting stay and I had a disagreement on crime and punishment. We went our seperate ways." Puly then produces some goods from his duffle bag, medication and food and they continue talking about the explosion, pondering on who could have done it. Puly tells Blake that he has seen a girl without a hand, whose description fits Mia and that he met at another time "this big fucker who almost splattered my brains in WalMart when I was checking for thermaflu or something." Blake tells Puly that Gera had met these two also in town and how their opinion about the prison, particular himself is very negative. He also tells him of the new people Colton and Jill, and Puly advises him to keep an eye on Colton. They then proceed a brief first search looking for clues and Puly sets up a radio station. "Should keep us all in contact, communications are key to survival." says Puly.  Blake tells him that Ren will be just the man to be in charge of it. They see Yvaine in the yard and Blake tells her what happened. Later Puly and Blake depart on good terms.

Blake's note

To all residents of the prison

Today a bomb exploded in our lab. The lab we had build to provide our scientist Yvaine with the appliances to work on a cure. A cure for ALL of us. Now all that precious work has been destroyed. Hope has been destroyed. 
I am trying to provide us with a new life here. A new society. A family if you will. Home.
But like any man i will go to extremes if this sanctuary is threatened. 
We have come to that point now.
Things will be different from now on. There will be stricter rules. Rules that need to be followed to PROTECT US ALL!

We have always welcomed new people to our home. This will change now!
We will not let injured or starving people inside these walls anymore unless they have been thoroughly checked and they will only be welcomed  in our group if they prove to be loyal, trustworthy and abiding the rules. If they give any reason to doubt their intentions. If they criticize or show open aggression, they are out!
Anybody who takes part in actions that endanger our group will be dealt with accordingly.
We take no prisoners. 
Any new person who desires to gain access will be channeled to the area behind the first fence, where a tent will be set up. As always weapons must be handed over. They may stay in the tent to have their injuries treated, it will then be decided if they stay or not.

As to the matter of the explosion in the lab:
There will be a thorough search including all your cells. Everybody will make sure that the people in charge of the search have free access. Obstacles blocking the entrance of a cell to protect privacy will NOT be allowed anymore.

I trust you all understand and will cooperate in this matter.



The search is on for the assassins who dropped the bomb in the prison's lab, destroying our hope and putting our lives at risk. After thorough investigation and questioning of reliable witnesses, here is a list of suspects. Some of these individuals you may not know, others have been in our group but left us:

approximate age: 14, dark hair, missing a hand.
Highly disturbed, traumatized and hateful towards our family. Spreading rumors about the prison being a dangerous and sinister place. Claiming that people were forced to stay and that people have entered here but were never seen again
She ran away from our group a month ago, it is believed that she is hiding somewhere in town

Abe or Gabe
approximate age: 50, burly guy, scruffy looking, long hair and filthy beard. Last seen in town.
Seems to be Mia's "protector", he tried to kill Puly and seems hateful towards our group. A drifter.

approximate age: 30, dark short curly hair, drives a Harley Davidson, a drifter.
Entered the prison previously on two occasions, claiming he is a friend of Mia and used to be in a group with Mia and Gera. Last seen the day before the bomb attack.

Young unidentified woman Jennifer
approximate age: 25, dark long hair, carried a crossbow. Last seen together with Gerard at the prison and leaving with him on his Harley.

Keep your eyes open. If you see any of the above suspects or if you gain any information about them, report immidiatly to me. 


Radoslaw and Blake in "Rigorous Measures"

Blake has a meeting with his henchman Radoslaw to discuss and plan actions to be taken. They talk about the results of the search for the bomber. Although no clues were found, Radoslaw voices his opinion about some of the newcomers  in particular Jill who had shown a negative attitude to Blake and Colton about the prison. Blake tells him that he also has suspicions about some females in the group, who have shown no sense of gratitude and only seem to cultivate their own ego, and he wants Radoslaw to keep an eye on the scientist Yvaine. Then he shows him what he plans to do with the destroyed lab, his idea, due to the circumstances is to turn it into an interrogation room. And something else he demands of the former inmate: To build a scaffold as an deterrent to keep potential trouble makers in check.

Operation Ravenscar

Operation Ravenscar Report:
Operation Ravenscar is still on hold, pending arrival of US Army Reinforcements, still more than a month late and counting.  The Bunker is secured, still, and power will remain functioning for the next 2.2 standard years.  US Military casualties for the pre-spring quarter, a surprising none.  Civilian scientist making little headway on the subject of anti-toxin or cure for infection, now dubbed by Scout Commander Tachenko, 'Revenantism.'  

Operation Alamo Report:
Fortifications around the US Military Bunker are still holding, though survivors have poked holes around the standing buildings making up a fourth of the perimeter wall.  Set barbed wire prevents access from this route, though still possible to be breached with the proper gear.  Relations with local survivors in decline, as war is being waged between subfactions of the survivors.  The one subfaction still standing strong seems to be the survivors of the Shiner County Jail.

Local civilian casualties mounting, still along the infected rate mentioned in Operation Alamo Briefing.  A civil war in the area would put US Government Property into jeopardy, status of both Operation Ravenscar and Operation Alamo is neutral.  Though the time is slowly mounting on either taking a side, or closing in the settled area and await CasEvac orders.

Scout Company Casualties remain minimal, a still bitter surprise after the Winter Quarter of 2013.  Morale is rocky as Scout Company troops begin taking different sides.  Major Tachenko stands firm on the process of siding with the Prison Group, as they have the means to ensure long-term security for civilians of the Greater Shiner Area.

Abraham, Joe and Gera in "Wanted"

Gera sees Abe again in town. He has a boy about 8 years of age,  named Joe with him. He questions Gera about Mia's whereabouts, accusing the prison people of capturing Mia. Gera who was certain that Mia is still with Abe, tells him that Mia is not in the prison. Abe remains hostile towards Gera, even after she warns him, telling him to hide somewhere with Joe because a bomb has exploded in the prison and Abe is on the Wanted list. In the end, somewhat milder towards Gera but not the prison, or rather Blake, he tells her" If Blake send people after us.... you better say a long goodbye to em' cuz' they won't go back... let's go Joe" he says as he starts to walk away from the market spot. Gera calls after them to hide and to find Puly. Then she walks back to Wilson who was with her, giving her cover. She pretends that she was trying to talk Abe into coming to the prison and Wilson believes her story.

Gerard, Jennifer and Blake in "Interrogation 1"

Blake's men have caught Gerard and Jennifer separately and Blake starts interrogation. He doesn't get any confessions from either but can draw further information. After the questioning they are locked into an empty cell next to the former lab. Jennifer makes an attempt to escape but is shot in the hip and brought back.

Abraham, Hazel and Gera in "Kidnapping Alice"

Abe, who is still convinced that the prison people hide Mia somewhere in the building, decides to kidnap Blake's zombified daughter so he can trade it by Mia. Hazel is his cpmplice. They get into  the prison by breaking in by a secret path that someone who was a resident of the prison had showed them some days ago.  Everything goes as planned. They find the entrance, which leads to a cellar and from there upstairs directly into Blake's secret quarters. Alice, the zombie daughter snarls and snaps at them. Abraham breaks its jaws and teeth with an axe to disarm the little corpse. While Hazel and Abe are busy, Gera has entered the secret quarters. She and Radoslaw are the only persons who knows about Alice. But Radoslaw is not here. She watches the intruders, hiding behind the door. Shocked and distraught and unable to do anything. As she can not call for help without revealing Blake's secret, she decides to face Hazel and Abe. She begs them not to take Alice away, That Mia is not in the prison as far as she knows. Abe and Hazel tell her there is far more Gera does not know. They tell her at gun point to come with them, so she won't alert the others. As they pass the cellars they show her a blood stained work bench, fashioned to strap victims on it to slaughter them. Gera is shocked but asks to consider that Blake would never kill anyone.

They all then escape through the woods, dragging Alice along with them,  where they are attacked by walkers several times. In the end, they make it to the barn. Abe secures the zombie child while Hazel keeps Gera at gun point. Gera begs them to be reasonable and talk. She is convinced that they can find a solution. They tell her about heads in jars and other sick things that go on at the prison. But Abe makes a deal with her. He will send Gera back to the prison as a messenger. She must tell Blake that he gets his zombie daughter back in exchange for Mia. Abe gives her three days maximum. Gera is devastated as she is sure that Blake hasn't got Mia but also relieved that Abe seems reasonable and prepared to talk. She hugs the surprised man and he brings her back to the prison while Hazel stays behind to watch Alice.

Puly, Blake, Gera, Jenn, Loki and Mia in "Mia's death"

Gera finds a drunk Puly back at the prison and Jennifer, who is wandering around, recovering from her hip shot. She begs Puly to help her and to find Blake. Then Blake appears, he has already seen that Alice is gone and goes berserk. He loads a gun and runs out. Puly, his dog and Gera follow him. Blake reaches the barn and starts yelling, slamming at the door "ABE!!!!! Give me back my daughter! Give me back my little girl!"
He doesn't care that his noise alerts all walkers nearby and they are approaching fast. Blake aims at the lock, and shoots until he runs out of ammo. Gera and Puly  have reached him, they have to defend themselves, eliminating the zombies. Puly, quite sober now, fires at the lock and the barn door until it finally breaks open. But instead of Abe, Hazel and Alice they find the fatally injured Mia inside the barn. She was injured by their own gun shots. While Blake searches the barn like a madman, still blind for anything else, the devastated Puly tries to safe Mia's life. (It turns out that Abe and Hazel have left the barn and took Alice somewhere else and Mia who had been wandering around for weeks, with no food and dehydrated, locked herself inside the barn just after they had left.) He gives the girl a shot of morphine, tries to stop the bleeding but its all in vain. Mia dies, seeing her dead father, whispering that she is sorry . Puly breaks down and Mia comes back a few moments later. The distraught Puly gives Gera his knife to drive it into Mias head. Gera refuses to believe that Mia is dead, but she does the deed when the zombified Mia reaches out to Blake. When Mias blood stained body becomes lifeless a second time, Blake finally awakes from his madness. He cradles the child to his chest, holding her. Puly drops to his knees and utters a prayer in his native language. He is blaming himself for her death. They bring Mia's corpse back to the prison and bury her in the grounds of the orchard. And here at Mia's grave, in his anger and his pain Puly mutters:""All Abe's fault...detskiy krazhe suka...ubit' suku..."Blake pauses and looks at Puly intense:"Abe's fault..." he repeats in a whisper:"yes...Abe's fault"

Radoslaw and Mia sen. in "Too late for goodbyes"

Radoslaw parks his motorbike. He turns around to see a woman sitting at Mia's grave and frowns. He heads to the grave to find out who the women is.
Radoslaw: Hey!
Mia's mother  looks up and desperately wipes her eyes* OH I'm sorry *She stands up quickly*  I am sorry for being inside the gates. Pule said it would be alright I... *she looks down at the grave* I was just visiting my daughter....
Radoslaw: Oh, I am sorry, M'am. My condolences….She was a nice kid.
Mia smiles a little* Thank you. I have been told so many stories... I just wish I had a chance to meet her.
Radoslaw nods slowlyYou never saw her before?
Mia's lip quivers a little* Only in photos. I got pregnant quite young and my friend Inferialis took her in and raised her. I wanted the best life I couldn't give her. So I let her go...
Radoslaw looks at her earnestly: God's plans are so strange sometimes... We often cannot understand.
Mia smiles at him* I'm sorry Radoslaw but I dont think god had anything to do with any of this. I find it hard to believe in a God who would kill children.
Radoslaw puts up his hands appeasingly: I know. Not everybody can believe in god's ways. I did not for a long long time.
Mia looks at him puzzled* What changed your mind?
Radoslaw scoffs: I did some time in prison. I thought about all the wrong things I had done in my life. And... I read THE book. And I found it all in the book...
Mia: Ah yes... On my travels I met a priest. heh that man had no food, only the clothes on his back but he clung to an old bible from his church like it was his own personal body armour *She looks down at the ground* didn't do him much good when the dead surrounded him. *she looks back at him* I'm sorry I must sound quite hateful. I dont mean it. I just have trouble keeping faith.
Radoslaw: Don't apologize. There can be no worse thing as to loose a child. I understand you. What is your name M'am?
Mia : Mia... My name is Mia. Her mother named her after me so I would always be with her...
Radoslaw slowly nods:" Mia... so where do you stay, Mia? Are you in a safe place. You know that you can stay here in the prison? Blake cares for all people."
Mia : I was told that if I was to stay I would need to stay in a tent between the gates. I understand the need to screen strangers. I would very much like to stay here *she looks at the grave* with my daughter.
Radoslaw: "Mia, you can come right in. The tent is only for complete strangers. We must be careful."

Yvaine and Radoslaw in "Trust issues"

Radoslaw sees a woman from the corner of his eye.He rushes over to the strange woman.
Radoslaw: Hey, put the weapon down, lady! Who are you?
Yvaine looks at the man who comes over and lowers hr gun to the ground* "i'm Yvaine i used to work here till i heard that my lab was destroyed"
Radoslaw puts his gun down.": I see, Yvaine. Sorry, for a moment i thought you were an intruder. 
Yvaine: "oh i don't suppose you know who destroyed months of research into the infection?"
Radoslaw: No, we could not find out. But believe me. The person who done it will be sorry if we find him.
Yvaine: who do you have as suspects so far ? *she asks curiously*
Radoslaw: There is a long list. Most of them are loners and strayers who camp outside. But it might be somebody from the inside. We don't know right now.
Yvaine walks towards the fence before stopping and turning back to look at you sternly* "am i on this list?"
Radoslaw: No, how could you be? He looks at her suspiciously
Yvaine: "i worked their would i not have know where to put the device?" *looks at him* "well they did a sham of a job of it my note-pad with my vital research somehow survived the explosion" *slides her hand in her jacket and pulls out her dark blue note-pad still in one piece but two corners of th covr are slightly charred*
Radoslaw now points his gun to her: "Give me that!!"
Yvaine blinks and looks at him before replying sternly* "it isn't completed yet it would be of no use to you or Blake till all the research and tests have been done!"
Radoslaw: "never mind. just hand it over!"
Yvaine walks up to him with a blank expression* "or what you'll shot me? how would you explain that to your boss?"
Radoslaw blinks nervously: "Go back! Go back! And put down your gun."
Yvaine drops her gun letting it fall to the ground* "their im un-armed now you put down your gun" *narrows hr eyes as she looks at him coldly
Radoslaw come closer in small steps and picks up her gun not letting her out of sight.
Radoslaw: ok, ok, now let us be cool, Yvaine!
He slowly lowers his gun: "We both want no trouble…right?"
Yvaine nods in agreement and relaxes slightly* "agreed i only want to finishe my research and try and find a vaccine if not a cure fo r this infection and to do that i need this book surely you can undrstand that?"
Radoslaw slowly nods: "Yes, but the lab is destroyed. You need to talk to Blake."
Yvaine: nods.....slowly "do you know when he'll be here?"
Radoslaw: "No, yesterday it all went to hell here. I don't even know where he is now."
Yvaine looks shocked* "what do you mean by went to hell? walkers didn't get through did they?"
Radoslaw: No, no... but a girl was shot. Blake... I don't know where he is. Since there was a bomb destroying the lab, we are in a war with the outsiders. People who live in camps."
Yvaine: i didn't know things are like this i just thought the labratory was destroyed
Radoslaw: No, we have enemys now. People who want to destroy our safe place... our lives....
Yvaine: sounds like the whole area has went to hell like you said but i can't believe things are this bad
Radoslaw: right now? I think they are. Everything has changed. We really have to find out who put the bomb here.
Yvaine: i agree but who'd destroy possible salvation  it doesn't make sense ?
Radoslaw: No, it does not make sense at all. But somebody wanted all our.... your research destroyed.  I just know that we are in a war now. The undead - they are not our worst enemys…." He hands her back her gun:" I trust you. Here have it back."
Yvaine: i agree *smiles softly as she takes her gun back and holsters it to hr back* thank you Radoslaw "
Radoslaw: I have to go now. I have to find Blake!
Yvaine nods
Radoslaw: "Take care. And god bless you!"
Yvaine: "of course take care the undead have gathered in the forests i don't know why seems odd maybe their running out of food."
Radoslaw: Thanks, I will take that in mind.
Yvaine smiles and nods, watching him drive off.

Yvaine and Gera in "Losses"

Yvaine, to her surprise finds Gera on her own in the town:
Yvaine: "Gera? what are you doing out here on your own?"
Gera Heliosense frowns and sighs:"All hell is loose. I am here on my own because i couldn't find anybody to escort me. Blake has gone out, he is searching for...his...daughter and...Mia...Mia is dead" Gera swallows:" Abe and another girl, they are from another group, they broke into the prison, kidnapped Alice and ...I am sorry its all so much"
Yvaine looks at gera in shock* "oh my it is true what Rad had said earlier hell is loose how are you? you alright?" *asks with concern.
Gera nods tired:" yes I am fine, oh Radoslaw told you? I am glad he is still with us, Oh Yvaine, we are breaking to pieces if a solution is not found. Why do people have to get like that? Nobody reasons, nobody talks, its always blood and guns and war"
Yvaine nods "it sounds like it . There are so many groups as well now and even some military ones. But i am at a loss, first the lab is destroyed now all this.I dread to  think whats next"
Gera Heliosense: I dread to think about that too. And we are losing Blake, he is breaking up. He is not reasonable any more. I am scared that we get into real war.
Yvaine: "what can you do though is their anywhere els you and your little one can go?"
Gera shakes her head:" No, and for now I will stay at the prison, we still have good people there and  its still the safest place: "but you...will you leave us?"
Yvaine: "Radoslaw got touchy over my research" *she sighs* "i should burn the thing. That way i wouldn't get a gun pointed at me over it, but i'll try and speak with Blake i don't know what he wants with it, it isn't finished"
Gera: "your research? you mean you could safe your work? I thought everything was destroyed in the fire of the explosion?"
Yvaine shows gera her journal* "this is all thats left but it has everything important but just  in notes so it would need redone again"
Gera looks at it and smiles at Yvaine:" Oh but...thats wondwerful! This could make all the difference. We must find Blake and show him. If he sees that your work was not destroyed, he might consider to stop his witch hunt for the people who  dropped the bomb...and maybe he releases Gerard and Jenn, if only we could reason with him, but after Abe kidnapped his daughter he went nuts.
Yvaine: "he has Gerard and jenn ? where about ?"
Gera: "in the prison, locked up in a cell."
Yvaine: "oh are they both holding?"
Gera: "they are...not too bad. Gerard had some rough treatment at his arrest, and Jenn tried to escape and was shot in the hip but she is recovering well and is allowed to walk around freely during the day, She was sleeping  at the infirmary while she was sick. I didn't think you know Jenn"
Yvaine sighs heavily i hate to think what Blake will do until he finds his daughter or maybe he's too far gone? Oh, Jenn, i met her once or twice with Puly i think, up on the overlook"
Gera: "Oh yes, she  had her camp there. Yes i believe once he has his ...little girl back , he will maybe calm down. He is not a bad man, I know that deep in my heart."
Yvaine: "i agree he just  wants to protect everyone but it's hard to when people work against him."
Gera: " you feel that they worked against him? See, I believe he wanted to be a good man. But so much worked against him. Oh Yvaine, i am so glad you don't hate him like so many others."
Yvaine:" it's just how things are after the world went dark. We have to band together or fall apart ,those who lead, have a horrible difficult task.
Gera Heliosense nods morose. "You are right. If only I could bring him back to the ground and reason with him. He has a tough position, even I took that for granted."
Yvaine looks at her sadly* "i think everyone has........".
They go silent for a moment. Then Gera spots the wall of the camp and they approach and observe it.
Gera: "this here must be some sort of camp...maybe this is, where Abe's people are hiding?"
Yvaine: "it looks like a makeshift military camp we had one near the genetics labortary where i workd in Alaska lets have a look, she moves slowly forward and tries to see more.
Gera: Puly would know what to make of this. He is back with us you know? back at the prison."
Yvaine has a confused look on her face but doesn't say anything* "oh that is good, did he not go missing?"
Gera: Long story Yvaine, he went missing for weeks, then was found, spend time with us, left us again, got sick, came back just around the time when the bomb happened, and since some days, I think,  he lives  in the prison again."
Gera: "I need to get to the prison. Back to my son. Ludger is looking after him but i promised i would be back in time"
Yvaine: "oh can i walk back with you if you don't mind company ?"
Gera: "oh please do! I was going to ask you anyway, I am scared on my own."

Puly, Abraham and Hazel in "Patriot Act"

Puly finds Abe in town at the apartment where he and Hazel are hiding:
Puly slowly moved forward, heaving his chest up and down, staring forward from behind his mask. "Look...we need to talk, away from...ears..." He then waves his hand around, "Promise I ain't gonna do shit but talk."
Hazel peeks aiming her guns above
Abe nods towards Puly and waves his hand inviting him to come inside the building* I think we will be safe here...
Puly could only shrug his shoulders limply, "All right," he said reluctantly, setting his FAL down by the door on the outside, along with his P87. He then stepped up to the door, leaning on the doorway. "First thing is about Mia..."
Abe steps inside cleaning the way so Puly can get in*... What about her???...*he asks curiously as he gestures the man to come in*
Puly took a few deep breathes, trying to find the words in his head before even saying them. "She's gone, dude... She got snagged by some stray gunfire earlier today... I spent the better part of a half hour...trying to save her...but..." his voice then trailed off, and he reached under the faceplate, rubbing his eyes, "The round must have severed her femoral artery. Morphine administered kept the end...painless..."
Abe frowns as he clenches his fists in obvious anger, doesn't take long for his eyes turn all watered*....WHAT???? what the fuck are you talkin' about man??? who... who the fuck shot at her??.... wh.... *he takes a few seconds silent as he contains all the rage and sadness deep inside him just pressing harder his lips together along with his fists¨*
Hazel  looks confused
Puly clenched his fists, cracking his knuckles in the process. "It's...I'm pretty sure it was a round from my FAL that ricocheted and hit her..." He then tilted his head back, letting his arms go back to his sides, "I idea of knowing...I never thoroughly examined her body before Gera had Blake help me bury her out in the prison yard."
Abe coldly stares at Puly as he says with a grimmy voice*.... so... it was you huh? you and the Blake's lil' posse... ya had Mia after all....
Puly gritted his teeth, "She was locked up in that fucking barn, hiding in the fucking hay," he grunted, in a miserable tone, "Gera came crying to me sayin that Blake's daughter had been kidnapped...I got to breach the door and walkers started coming..."
Abe: "that's bullshit man!!"... he yields at Puly rising and pointing his index finger obviously in anger.... "we stayed several days in there and Mia wasn't there... she was at the goddamn prison and you know it.!"
Puly heaved his chest up, slowly taking off his helmet so he could look at Abraham, in the eyes. His eyes were reddened, bloodshot. All he could do was slowly shake his head, "No...dude...she was in that barn...emaciated...b...barely're probably right...I probably did kill her..."
Abe stares at Puly kinda barely holding the urge to swing a nice jab to that chin and release some canned anger, his right fist shaking ready to do some harm, suddenly the bearded man draws a light smirk at Puly and a chuckle*... you know, it's funny... it's funny how with just one shot you could kill a whole bunch of people... cuz' now Blake has nothing to negotiate with and, if we give him back his freak he will kill us anyway... you fucked us all man.... sweet Jesus Christ
He laughs loudly as he shakes his head still holding a wide smirk on his face and tears streaming down his cheeks*... you lead us to a dead end man... a fucking dead end... 
Puly still leaning in the doorway, he looked up to Abraham, shaking his head. "You think I meant to do this?" he asked in a raspy tone, only to look back down. "Blake never had shit to negotiate think he was just gonna let you take his kid? You and your folks run around, claiming he's a monster, but you take a little girl from her father..." He then slammed his fist against the doorframe, "I came here to warn you and try to help you, but now that I'm here I'm starting to think...about who the monsters are..."
Abe shakes his head slowly* ...a lil' girl... that's how you call it?? a lil' girl?? that freak will eat your fucking face in a blink, and certainly a lil' sweety girl won't fed from the flesh from the tortured people from the basement dude, so don't come here to save me with your cheap wisdom about that one eye nutjob....*looses the smirk on his face as he turn it into a frown turning his voice to a deep low tone one*...I know you are on the other side of the river.... and I'm cool with that and in the end... we all are monsters in some way.... don't we??....*stares at him stepping closer as he reaches the edge of the door*.... now I appreciate the honesty so I'll pay back with the same.... tell Blake I have his lil monster, if he want it, then he will have to come over the barn.... and git it, and why not, our people can feast into a bloody ballroom with gunshots and shit.... but I'll wait for him in a couple of days, so be ready for that....
Puly went stone cold when he heard that, his eyes drifting up to Abraham. "The fuck do you mean by that one?" he asked in a more serious tone. His body tensed right up, a thousand things ran right through his mind, about that...that could only mean one thing, but that kind of rocked what Puly had believed about the Prison. So he clenched his fists, listening a bit more closely. His breathing had changed from slowed and controlled, to somewhat erratic and shallow. "His daughter..." he started, only to rub his head. "FUCK...all of this city is fucking WONDERFUL," he shouted, turning around, holding onto his head with both hands. "You're fucking serious, he in the fucking prison, and FED it PEOPLE?"
Abe looks at Puly a bit puzled and surprised*... oh damn, you didn't know??... oh you are gunna love this....*he yields still not taking away the stare from Pule* Hazel... hun,could you be so sweet and bring down Alice please??
Hazel : are you serious?
Abe: yeah sugar, I'm dead serious
"Ok," Hazel Mint grabs the leash and pulls Alice making sure her hands are tied up…"here she is."..
Abe gestures the zombified girl under the leash held by Hazel* ... should I introduce you the lovely Alice Mr. Puly?
Puly looked behind him to see Alice. Then he just went quiet, and stepped forward to the bushes, starting to vomit into the greenery. "FUUUCK," he shouted between spurts of sickness.
Abe beholds Puly's reaction and frowns a bit more*... I know.... I had to remove her teeth cuz' she was a bitter... *smirks as he takes a quick look at his job feeling a bit proud of it*
Puly gritted his teeth, spitting some into the dirt when he was finished. "That thing...needs to die..." he muttered.
Hazel Mint: tell him about the trophies...
Abe: "wait what?? you monster... you want to kill lil' Alice here and separate her from Daddy?
Puly turned to Abraham, a sudden fire errupted in him. "No one fucking told me she was a fucking walker!" he suddenly boomed out, "I was fixing to help Gera burn this fuckin town to look for a fucking WALKER!" He then heaved his chest again, looking to Abraham, "The fuck were you thinking of getting out of this, Abraham?"
Abe chuckles*... Mia... we were thinkin' to get Mia outta this..... by the way man, haven't ya checked out your boss room full of thropies??
Puly reached up to rub his head slowly, "'re out of luck, Abraham. Mias gone, unless you want her mom out of there...that'd be easier to do though," he muttered, and then just shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care about Blake, he's not my 'Boss.' All I want is an end to this sick fucking game that's being played."
Abe cocks a brow as he sees Puly's reaction*... Look Puly, I know my luck runs out quite fastly, and it's not alright, cuz' I didn't wanted to all this happen y'know??? seriously, I didn't care about cyclops there on the jail doing his freaky business with his zombified daughter or his fishtanks filled with heads... whatever... I just wanted to walk around here and settle down to fuckin' survive man, survive... those fucking things are fucking everywhere.... I agree with you.... we have to end this... and the end leaded by Blake won't be pretty, I assure you that
Puly cracked his neck as he thought, it was a mind-numbing thought process. "Neither of your ends will justify your means. If you get into some big fucking gunfight, it's just gonna be a big 'HEY, come fuck us in the ass' sign to every herd within five miles! This stupid fucking game is too long to end with peace." He then stared down Abraham, clenching his fists, his knuckles turning white. "Tomorrow...I'm gonna contact you. Bring some guns and explosives over, and then we're gonna plan a showdown with Blake".
Abe nods slowly* you know where to find me Puly.... if you are honest with this... about ending the things before it gits big and kill us all, I'm down with you
Puly crossed his arms a bit, getting a sinking feeling in his gut. "Don't breathe a word of this to anyone. Loose lips sink ships. I'm gonna go draw up maps of the damn barn, see if I can find good sniper positions for Vintar..."
Abe makes a gesture of locking his lips with a key and throw it away followed by a nod* see ya tomorrow then... *says as he slowly starts to close the door*
Puly turns to grab his FAL and P87, slapped the magazine he had in the rifle to make sure it was locked correctly, then went off to start scouting.

Abraham and Blake in " The arrangement"

Blake on his mad search for Alice finds in Abe in town on the balcony of his apartment. He climbs up and the two men, at last face to face for the first time exchange accusations and threats. Finally Abe exclaims that they will make a deal on his conditions:
 First, leave my people alone... we have the right to coexist in this same piece of hell that you are into.... second, you owe me Mia, she was one of my crew... one of my people and you took her.... for good, so... I'll take one of your people in change for Mia"... he states his demands plain and simple.... "then we will trade your daughter.... but if I find you are trying to be funny or playing the smart with that, I assure you Alice will loose her head and you won't git nothin' but more blood in your fuckin' hands... got it?"
Blake agrees to the deal and they arrange to meet at the barn on the following day.

Abraham, Blake, Hazel, Radoslaw and Mia sr. in "Duel in the swamps"

Blake meets Mia's mother who was given a cell by his henchman Radoslaw. She expresses her gratitude to Blake who acts embarrassed. Blake prepares to go to his rendezvous with Abe. He arranged that Radoslaw will cover him from a safe distance. Blake tricked one of his men, the old diabetic Robert to come with him and cuffs the surprised man's hands behind his back once they reach the barn. Here Abe waits for them. Hazel watches Abe's back from behind the barn. Radoslaw hides behind some trees. The exchange takes place. Abe demands that Blake hands over Robert. Blake does so, then he rushes inside the barn to get his zombified daughter. "Don't worry my darling, daddy is here now". Blake carries his daughter and realizes that Abe pulled all her teeth, a single gun shot breaks the silence of the woods. Abe has shot Robert. Blake hardly bats an eyelid at that. But Radoslaw is mortified, he runs over to the barn, discovers Roberts dead body and sees Blake and his zombified daughter unharmed. Abe and Hazel escape. Before they went to the exchange, they had taken all their possessions from the apartment in town and set fire to it.  Blake can see that they head for the swamps. Radoslaw wants to bury Robert but Blake, who has only eyes for his corpse child, ignores his plea. Blake and Radoslaw depose Alice at the prison, grab a jeep and take up Abe's and Hazel's track which leads right into the swamps.

At the swamps a hunt starts, for a while Abe and Hazel are a step ahead. While Radoslaw is careful, moving catlike through the thick botany, Blake shoots blindly at every movement. The bullet impacts the water along with a big rumble that echoes thru the swamps, that will be like a dinner bell for the walkers. Abe and Hazel stand in the shallow muddy water, hiding. Then they leave their hiding spot and the four people crash into each other:

Blake jumps on Abe, then looks  rather surprised when he feels the nuzzle of the gun against his cheek
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: don't move he says as he aims his shotgun at Blake's head.
Blake raises his hands"Oh..well..."
Radoslaw: "put down your gun, fat man." He points his gun at Abe's head
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: *knows that the other man is behind him aiming his weapon at him, but doesn't move*... "so this is your deal ??
Radoslaw: you killed Robert!
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch slowly lowers his shotgun: you killed Mia!
Hazel Mint points to Rad " hey"
Radoslaw turns around and points his gun to Hazel
Hazel Mint: put your gun down!
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: *charges against Blake as he hears Hazel's voice*
Radoslaw: YOU put your gun down, lady!
Hazel Mint: I ain't doing it
Radoslaw: PUT IT DOWN! We don't want anybody be hurt
Blake smiles to Rady, whispering:" Get her, my boy" then suddenly he turns and shoves Abe into the water.
Hazel Mint: don't get any closer!
Radoslaw slowly walks toward Hazel: Come on, lady. We can talk about all that
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: *falls into the water with a big splash*... fuck….he says as he rises from the mud
Hazel Mint: we aint got nothing to talk about
Radoslaw: Your russian friend killed Mia and you know it. So let not shed more blood here.
Blake takes a hold of Abe's collar and shakes him, a mad expression on his face:" You bastard broke my little girl's jaw!
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch gets shaken as Blake grabbed his collar but due his larger size and strength he is able to roll around in the water taking a hold of his jacket too*... I'm gunna do the same to ya!!
Hazel Mint: russian friend? I don't have any russian friend!! that guy is one of yours!
Radoslaw: He hangs with you, does he not? I saw him ouside the prison often. He is not one of ours.
Blake's mouth contorts into a grim smile, he seems oblivious to the fact that the big man has a good hold on him now: "What is it with you, Abe? All this aggression, you are paranoid, paranoid because of the lies you heard!"
Hazel Mint: No, we saw him inside your prison
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: "I'd heard no lies you monster!!"... he says as he barely and clumsily swings a fist trying to hit Blake's cheekbone.
Radoslaw: Fact is: He killed Mia. Blake had nothing to do with it. We try to have a home in the prison. Then you people come and plant bombs and start shedding blood. You killed Robert!
Hazel Mint: Robert was a rapist, he had to die!!
Radoslaw looks puzzled and irritated at Hazel.
Blake ducks and stumbles, falling into the shallow water, cursing and spitting and glaring at Abe: You made my people very upset Abe"here he stops and looks over at Hazels direction, hearing what she said about Robert
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: "that was the idea!"... he roars as he charges against Blake
Radoslaw: Lies! All you can tell is lies! He blinks nervously
Hazel Mint: why would I lie? we don't want your stupid prison
Radoslaw nearly lowers the gun and swallows hard.
Blake snarls:" Tell your bitch to shut up Abe!
Hazel Mint: we did ya a favor by killing that man
Radoslaw: I don't believe you! He tries to get a look of Blake over his shoulder seeming unsure, what to do.
Blake groans and holds up his arm to shield his face, unable to push the big man off him, the water  around him, prevents him to get up as well
Hazel Mint: its all over, let us go and we'll get away from your prison
Radoslaw looks over his shoulder again: Blake, are you alright?
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: *climbs Blake over pinning him down with his heavier weight and size, the bear man starts to throwing punches over Blake's face with anger and desperation, making em' brutal but inaccurate*...this is eye for an eye Blake...
Radoslaw shouts over his shoulder: "LET HIM GO FAT MAN OR I SHOOT YOUR GIRL!
Hazel Mint: kill him Abe!!
Blake yells out in pain, the inaccurate punches split his lip, he curses, spitting blood over Abe's shirt, clawing at the old guys long hair, he yanks him down to him and headbutts him.
Radoslaw shoots in Hazels direction.
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: *goes down by the hairpull from Blake as he receives the headbutt right in the left eye socket, this blow might swell and closes his eye in a few minutes, he cannot help but growls in pain as his fists tries to hit Blake's ribs but the strength of the punches are diminished by the water*
Radoslaw's bullet hits Hazels arm
Hazel Mint reacts to Rad's shot hitting her right arm and makes a shot as she moves away
Radoslaw quickly walks after her.
Hazel Mint keeps shooting towards Rad
Radoslaw's leg gets hit and he stumbles to the ground
Hazel Mint moves back behind the rock with pain
Blake growls and takes the chance to fumble for his hand gun, it slides out of his pocket , Blake curses again, touching blindly for it, coughing  when a blow to his ribs pushes  the air out of him
Radoslaw moans and presses his hand on the wound: Shit shit shit !!
Hazel Mint: Abeeee!!
Blake looks up at Abe, snarling:" Better help your little girlfriend, Abe!"
Radoslaw tries to drag himself back, manages to get up, moaning loudly and limbs toward the water where Blake and Abe are.
Hazel Mint gets a bandana out of her bag and makes a wrap with a tight knot on her wound
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: **shoves blake's head against the mud as he pushes up all soaked up in mud and dirty water willing to run over Hazel's help*... Hang on dear!!... *he shouts*
Hazel Mint: I'm ok, just wanted to know if you were ok!!
Blake takes a deep breath when he feels Abe's weight lifting of him, his searching fingers find the handgun in the muddy water, he jumps up an smacks the end of his gun right into Abe's eye
Radoslaw takes his Belt and ties off his thigh. He presses his handkerchief on the wound.
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: "fuck!" he curses loudly as he falls on his back as a log....
Blake manages a sinister cowardly smile and crawls out of the mud , away from the big man who is on his back like a beetle.He  limps over to Rady.
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: *twitches as he slowly tries to get himself together after the small blackout*.....uuuuurrggghhhhnnnn
Radoslaw slowly stands up, pressing the handkerchief on the wound. : Let's get out of here", he grits his teeth.
Blake looks at his henchman concerned, wiping his bloody lip and nods. He limps close to Rady and supports him:" Let me see your wound"
Radoslaw takes away the handkerchief moaning
Blake looks at it, narrowing his eye" looks a mess, here" he rips of his shirt sleeve and binds Radys leg,  then he looks at the big man on the ground
Abraham 'Duck' Lynch: *barely moves his hand towards Blake and the other man right before his sight gets all cloudy*
Blake frowns and  looks around:" Where is the blonde? did she get away?
Radoslaw: I shot her arm. She is behind the rocks. Let's go before the fat man wakes up.
Blake nods, and helps Radi to walk, slowly making their way back through the swamp

Hazel kneels down beside the injured Abe…

Intermission - Blake's thoughts

Its the night after the fight with Abe and Hazel in the swamps. Radoslaw, faithful comrade in arms has helped Blake to get Alice back inside. They got in through the secret passage that is not so secret anymore. Who found out? Who told Abe about the entrance? Who destroyed the lab, the anchor of hope?
Blake stands Alice on her feet, prepares a bowl with warm water and gently cleans her rotten little face from dirt and mud and blood and the tale tell traces of decomposing.
"Messy little girl, aren't you?" his voice breaks when she hisses and struggles and suddenly he holds her ear in his hand. 
Blake swallows. Usually he looks at her with the eye of deep love, blind to all the ugliness of death. He pushes away the thought of her body falling apart, right under his hands, every day more and more.
He closes his eyes. Happy thoughts now, happy thoughts.
Remember when daddy took you to the zoo? Remember that, my darling? My precious? Oh but daddy remembers, he remembers all. He remembers when he first laid eyes on his daughter. That day when Alice was born, he knew she was the only being he can love. The only person he would ever love. He had never felt anything like it before. For nobody, not even for his wife.
His heart strings are about to tear. Happy thoughts. But tonight he only sees pictures of sorrow and decay. Alice crying in his arms as he runs with her, trying to hide. Shuffling feet. The low sounds of the dead, hungry for flesh. Be quiet my darling, don't cry. Ssshhhh. Gunshots and her feather weight suddenly so much heavier when she goes limb. He had killed them with his bare hands. Three men,  their stray bullets hitting his child and so... he killed them. And he kept their cursed heads in his backpack. Where did the madness start?
How much longer? Hang on in there, my sweet. Hold on a little longer. Daddy will make it better soon. But you must not…fall to pieces before daddy has the remedy, the vaccine, the cure.
Yvaine. He needs to find Yvaine. No rest for the wicket. Yvaine, I had set my hope on you. But now, what is left but nagging thoughts of betrayal. But beggars can't be choosers.
And who is still on our side anyway? Radoslaw. Puly? Gera? And who else? 
There is a cold wind blowing over the grave of little Mia. What kind of god lets the children die? Hush my child. Daddy keeps you warm.

Puly and Jourdi Dixie

Puly and Jourdi  24. april 2014

[19:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) finally able move around with out the support of the stick her ankle just about healed she heads out of the prison in search of supplies and a possible freshly hunted meal searching the woods and fields outside the prison and in town with no luck as not up to hunting in the deep wilderness yet. Entering the pub she found an old bottle of Irish whiskey under a dusty broken crate and moved on stuffing it into her pack. Noting to herself how quiet everything seemed today having only run into just a few walkers perhaps it was just her lucky day. Moved from store to store finding a few tidbits here or there but nothing worth celebrating about.

[19:08] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) was in the gas station, scavenging for a change. He had been out for a while, having found quite a bit of inner peace being out on his own. Occasionally he had to deal with a walker, but his gun made short work. While he looted like a bad dog, he picked up shit he knew he'd like, like a pack of Oreos...they weren't Rainbow, like the Oreo Corp had promised a LONG time ago, but hey, they're fucking Oreos.

[19:08] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte): [Walmart, not gas station ^]

[19:10] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) quite stealth her movements were as she travel her way around an average person would be unable to hear her approach but to a trained ear they could make out faint footsteps with an ever so slight limp as she made her way to the walmart.

[19:12] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) stopped dead as he heard footsteps, they were irregular, which meant either a walker or some poor sod was coming. So he quietly reached into his jacket and popped his hat on, then tipped it up some so it wouldn't block his line of sight. He then ducked out behind some of the aisles, waiting for the footsteps to enter the Mart.

[19:17] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) moved through the door aiming her gun forward she noticed the dead walker on the floor but kicked it anyway just to be sure you can never be to careful, stepped around the dead walker moving toward the 1st aisle she peaked around all clear.

[19:19] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) tightened the grip on his pistol then he heard a faint stop, like whatever it was was checking the aisle. So he then quickly whipped around the corner. "Hands, show me your fucking hands, or I am gonna put a bullet in your fucking skull," he said in a whispery tone, albeit a weak and frailer version of voice, through his face mask.

[19:25] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) narrowed her gaze at the voice pointing her gun toward in reply. "Your a dasiy if you do!" she stated quite certain in her thick southern charm.

[19:29] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) leveled his gun with her head, standing firm. "You're either an idiot or an asshole, both seem likely..." he muttered, then lowered his pistol, "You're lucky I'm in a good god damn mood..." He then completely lowered his pistol to his holster, choosing to lie through his teeth about the whole mood thing.

[19:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) kept her gun held high and studied him a moment his posture familiar and the voice somewhat distorted from the mask but also sounded familiar. "Puly?" she asked lowering her weapon slightly.

[19:38] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) could only summon a shrug, and then looked around. "Nah," he said half-heartedly, "This is Doge." He then let off a little snicker, crossing his arms. "What other asshole do you know of that walks around town half dressed?"

[19:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) holstered her gun and grinned. "Actually I was going to remark about your attire or lack there of." she chuckled. "That must be why I didn't recognize you."

[19:44] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) looked down at his attire, and managed a shrug. "I like it, it's open. Fucking hot out here." His hand then jerked off his hat, waved it about to clear anything off it, and then tucked it back into his jumpsuit. "What are you doing out here?"

[19:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "It suits you." brushed some loose hairs from in front of her face. "Getting some exercise and a little scavaging its been awhile since I left the prison with my ankle and all."

[19:54] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "It suits you." brushed some loose hairs from in front of her face. "Getting some exercise and a little scavaging its been awhile since I left the prison with my ankle and all."

[19:56] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) furrowed his brow, "Seriously, civilians need to stay inside. The situation between the survivor groups and the Prison is going critical. I will not tolerate collateral dammage on my part, because if one more civvie dies it's on my ass."

[20:05] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) furrowed her brow. "I ain't no damn caged bird or some helpless little redneck civilian." she put her hands on her hips. "I can take care of my own, I raised myself, spent 10 years in the military fighting over seas and saving marines lives. I don't need sheltered and protected." she looked him dead in the gogles. " If something happens to me its on me not you."

[20:07] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) looked at her, tapping his finger against his forearm. "Yeah, that's the thing. Civilian casualties are already mounting with this stupid battle. Each one that gets chalked up, gets chalked up under my god damn name because the Military has me as 'Indigenous Liaison.' If you won't listen to my warnings, at least travel in a group."

[20:20] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Well maybe you should just let Blake fight his own damn war. Seems to more of a personal vendetta and innocent people get dragged and lured into the mix others get tourtured for thing they no knowing about. For a crazed man who is willing to risk anyone or anything for a dead child he can not save anymore."

[20:22] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) heaved his chest up, his right hand suddenly slamming into the rack next to him, shattering a wood shelf, and sending the magazines on it tumbling. "It runs deeper than Blake and Abraham squabbling over who has the biggest dick! For everyone person who falls between those assholes, a sliver of humanity is lost."

[20:31] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sighed and rubbed her forehead having not ment to let the angry redneck out of her or have angered him so she thought Mia the young girl who had died by Puly's miss palced bullet and how hard that must be for him. Stepping closer she tentively reached out her hand and rested it on his arm.

[20:33] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Look I'm sorry....." she trailed off some.
[20:34] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) jerked his whole body at a mere touch. Though it would be easy for Jourdi to feel the excessive body heat he was displacing at this current time. "I forget sometimes," he started, tightening his fists, "That all of you damn survivalists are the same. You don't care who dies. You just step over the body, and go back to business."

[20:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) pulles her hand away as he jerks noticing the air seems quite hotter around him. "Is that what you think I am? Just another asshole that don't give a damn about nothing?" shakes her head. "I do care, I care very much what happens to people, to humanity." she looked down at the ground. "God.....I wish I had been there when Mia died I might have been able to do more but i didn't even know till after the fact. "

[20:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I've never just stepped over a body, I'd never leave anyone to die damnit thats not my way. "

[20:50] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) exhaled through his nose, Mia... "Yeah, so I guess everyone knows now about how the big, bad man shot the little fucking girl... Yeah well, you know it? It was my fucking wake up call. Mark my words, there's gonna be a dozen more 'Mia Incidents' before all of you people open your god damn eyes." He then cracked his neck some, his hand resting on his chest. " chest..."
[20:56] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sighed and reached her hand out again but stopped just before touching. "Puly......your not a big bad man....I don't think that, I've never thought that you have been nothing but kind to me since I arrived here. Its not your fault it was a tragic accident there was no way you could have know she was in there."

[21:01] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "My eyes are open not clouded you shouldn't have to take everything on yourself and your right with those two to waging war on each other nothing good will come of it just more death and an end to the little humanity that left."

[21:04] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): sighed and reached her hand out again but stopped just before touching. "Puly......your not a big bad man....I don't think that, I've never thought that you have been nothing but kind to me since I arrived here. Its not your fault it was a tragic accident there was no way you could have know she was in there."

[21:04] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) waved his offhand dismissively, "Urk...look around out there! People have the means...and the strength to stop this. The zombies...the infighting... But no one does. Do you know why?"

[21:05] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Why?"

[21:06] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) inhaled as he stood up straight, gritting his teeth for a moment. "Self serving egoists have taken the control. There is no more 'Man of the People' in this place."

[21:12] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nods in agreement."Then what do you suppose be done about that?"

[21:15] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) could only summon a shrug, "What do the Anarchists famously say?"

[21:22] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) titled her head and bit her lower lip. " Something about that no man has a right to control by force ?" not quite sure.

[21:23] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte): Eh, close enough... I was gonna say 'stick it to the man'

[21:27] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) grinned." So what do we stick them to then?"

[21:28] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) just stood there a moment, quiet for the entire time. Then he could only sigh, "Honestly? I'd have no idea who to fight, and fighting both would make me just as bad as them."

[21:34] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled slightly lifting her hand once more to rest it once more to rest on his forearm. "Thats not possible, you could never be as bad as them."

[21:35] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) was still abnormally hot, but this time he didn't freak out. "No, to fight two enemies at once increases the bloodshed. I would have liked to end it without bloodshed, but now that is impossible."

[21:37] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) raise an eyebrow noticing he is even hotter then before. "Puly are you feeling alright?"

[21:42] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) raised a brow, "Just fine, why?"

[21:44] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) raised her other hand to touch his forehead. " Your extremely hot, are you sure you feeling ok?"

[21:46] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) moved just before she touched his forehead. "Oi, touchy feely, yer in my private zone dude..."

[21:52] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Sorry.....but it not normal. This type of heat is usually a high fever." her eyes scanned his visible skin for injuries. " Do you have any untreated injuries? Were you bitten." the tone of her voice was full of genuine concern underlined with fear but not for herself but for him.

[21:54] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) ruffled his brow a bit, reaching back to pull his sleeve up just far enough to show a bandaged up wound. "Not a bite, first off. Nasty ass gunshot wound."

[22:00] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) blink and instinctively reached for his arm to exam it stopping herself just before and looked him in the eye. "May I ?"

[22:05] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) looked her right back in the eye, reaching down to peel back the bandage, showing a pretty clean chunk of his arm was missing from the shot.
[22:09] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) gasped and gently took his arm in her hands to exam the would closely. "When did this happen? Who shot you?"

[22:14] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) winced as she took his arm and examined it. It looked like it had been done bow a pistol caliber weapon. "Nf...careful. Some guy, walked in on him jerking around some old fuel barrels."

[22:19] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sees that the wound is clearly festering with infection causing his high fever. "Sorry.......the infection is pretty serious no wonder your burning up."

[22:20] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) laughed just a bit, "Why do you think I'm in the city, dude?"

[22:21] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I can fix you up if you let me?"

[22:22] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of antibiotics. "Already go fixins."
[22:22] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte): [got^]

[22:24] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "That wound needs more then just antibiotics yeah that will help but the wound needs properly cleaned out ."

[22:24] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) could only summon another shrug, rewrapping his wound up carefully. "That's the next step dude..."

[22:29] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) shook her head." Puly let me take care of it I have everything I need to do so in my pack I can do it right here."

[22:31] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) reached out to smack her shoulder in a friendly manner. "Don't worry about it, dude, I got everything I need to do it in my pack now too."

[22:34] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) crossed her arms. "I'm sure you do but there is no harm in accepting help from a friend."

[22:35] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) just smiled under his mask, "You'll need those supplies sooner or later, man. Just keep them. I'm not about to be takin charity from nobody."

[22:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) huffed as that seemed to get her dander up."Charity! Charity! Now you listen here dude..." she stated slightly mocking him. "Charity is something ya give to strangers, yer no stranger yer my friend and the only one I have, thats human anyway and so help me god if i find you in a ditch somewhere crazy with fever and your arm rotting off because you wouldnt let me help you i will fix you up just so i can kick your ass. Ya here?" she huffed again her accent seems to be much more redneck when she is angery or up set.

[22:48] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) let his smile slowly fade. All he could do was shake his head slowly. "I didn't survive this long because I didn't know how to take care of myself, Jourdi. I ain't some two year old, fresh out'a the womb kid so green that when he blushes he looks like an oak in Fall." He then shook the little bottle of antibiotics, and then looked down at them, "These, some water, and some whiskey'll do me straight."

[23:00] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sighed calming down. "I know your not..." looking down as she rummaged through her pack. "I've seen a lot of injuries go wrong even in the best circumstances, my medical instincts take over and i just have to fix whats broken. "

[23:02] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte): It'd be a cold day in hell when I turn, Jourdi, just know that.

[23:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) pulled out the bottle of whiskey she found earlier and held it out to him. "Will you at least take this?" she smiled. "Good to know."

[23:07] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) reached out to the the booze she offered, "Yeah...though I ain't fixin to be drinking anytime soon."

[23:07] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smirked."No mushroom tea?"

[23:07] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte): No

[23:08] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) laughed. "Me neither."

[23:09] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) snorted some, "Not because of *that*, I was drunk...when I shot Mia."

[23:12] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) frowned. "I'm sorry I didn't know that."

[23:13] Pulemetchik (donny.applewhyte) shrugged some, "Okay... I need to head out, Jourdi," he said rather abruptly, taking off out the door.

The shape of things to come

Jourdi, Yvaine and Blake in "Plain Talk"

Inside the Prison Gates

Blake  sees Jourdi in the yard. He knows her only briefly, but she must have lived in the prison for some time:" Hello, Jourdi, isn't that your name?
Jourdi  turns to see who she is pretty sure is Blake and nods. " Yeah thats me."
Blake gives her a tired grin: " Excuse my...appearance. I guess you heard that we had a fight with the town group."
Jourdi: "Indeed I did. Have you had those injuries looked at? Last thing you need is an infection."
Blake spots Yvaine and takes a deep breath, then he smiles at Jourdi and shrugs:" It looks worse than it is, but thank you for your concern...Yvaine?! he calls, then turning to Jourdi:" you know Yvaine, our scientist, I suppose?"
Yvaine walks over to where Blake and Jourdi are and smiles to them both* "hi Blake" *looks to the woman not remembering her name*
 Jourdi shakes her in response about his injuries."Everyone here seems so intent to just let injuries go." looks toward the woman. "Ah yes we met briefly."
Blake  waves with a limp wrist:" You can come closer, Yvaine, I don't bite...yet" He smirks sarcastically.
Yvaine walks closer to the two noticing blakes facial injuries but not saying anything about them yet and looks to the woman and smiles politely* "are you living in the prison as well?"
 Jourdi  smiles in return. "When I'm not out hunting for food or supplies."
Blake : yes, I am sorry Jourdi, you are quite right, I will have it seen to later..." he watches Yvaine come closer:" I have been looking for you" he tells her in a raspy voice"
Yvaine: "oh? i was away seeing about something in another town and when i came back i heard about the lab and the bomb" *sighs softly*
Jourdi : "Your journal was at least saved. I hope that helps you continue your work. A cure or at least a successful way to fight off the infection would be nice." her deep southern redneck accent all to clear.
Blake narrows his eye when Yvaine speaks:" No, you must have forgotten Yvaine, you were here, but...i haven't seen much of you since then."
Yvaine nods slowly* "luckily it survived the blast...." *looks to Blake* "oh was i in the prison or did i go to the town?" *her memory being muddle lately as she's been trying to get her research back up to date* "so sorry alot of research was destroyed in the blast i've been working day and night to get back what was lost" She sighs deeply.
 Blake  nods:" No worries Yvaine, but I amvery glad you could safe your journal. His eye twitches and his jaw tightens as he tries to stay calm:" I..really need to catch up with you Yvaine. Maybe we can talk about some details regarding your work later. I promise you, i will see to it that you can continue your work."
Jourdi moved the hair out of her face as she studies the other two the body language seems a bit tense or uncomfortable towards each other. She wondered if Blake thought that Yvaine caused the explosion or was at least involved. Or maybe it had to do with Alice, rumors through the prison she had heard all about Alice and thought it was sad that Blake couldn't see or perhaps wasn't willing to see that there was nothing he could for her now but put her out of he misery. But then again she never knew the love for a child so who is to say she wouldn't feel the same. Unfortunately, a child would be something she could never have. She shook herself out of her thoughts. "Yes, I would be happy to assist if you like a navy doctors help?"
Blake looks over to Mia's grave:" And then...there is a funeral service to conduct. He sighs, then looks at Jourdi curious:" You were a navy doctor? How splendid. In that case, maybe you can have a look at my bruises later. For now though, I ..have to talk to you both about more...serious matters.
Jourdi nods. "Hospital Corpsman First Class." raises a brow. "What more serious matters?"
Blake nods with approval and then he walks to the gate:" I want to show you something...
see that graffiti? He stops in mid sentence when some dead stumble towards them:"oh damn them walkers"
Jourdi : "Yeah they could have done something a little more artistic."
Blake  smiles at Jourdi, slowly taken a liking to the red neck girl:" I like that you...keep a clear head ,its important not to panic now...even though I  can not deny it, our situation is getting a little shitty lately"
More Zombies gather at the fence.
Blake : ah well, we better go back inside, those walkers smell dinner"
They follows him back inside the safety of the gates. Jourdi grins and shrugs. "I had a pretty shitty life growing up this isn't much different. Believe it or not the navy and traveling with the marines was the best time of my life. " smirks." Walkers sure are a lot easier to kill then the terrorist we went after."
Blake : yes, you got a point there and that brings me right to the issue: the town people openly want a war with us. The spirit here in our group is low. We lost people, not by zombie attacks, no they were killed because of human failure and hate. Mia...Robert..." He looks down:" anyway...then..I lost some men, they left the sinking ship..there have been...some nasty I will not lie to you, yes...I..I have my infected daughter with me. I kept her hidden because not many people would understand. But you as a scientist Yvaine, and ..anyway....its all out now anyway..." he sighs: things will change here, and we can only get through this, if we stick together.
He looks at the two women and smiles sadly. Then he suddenly seems to remember something. "Excuse me please. We talk more about this later" Jourdi watches him thoughtful when he leaves. Mia's death she knew was a tragic accident that, as she saw with Puly, weighed heavy on those involved but she wondered just how did Mia get in the barn? Why was she in such a weakened state that she could not survive a gun shot to the leg? If Abe knew Mia was in the barn why not have just ended all the craziness there and then by Give Blake back his daughter, why continue this war something else has to be going on, there are to many missing pieces of the puzzle, to many things left unsaid and to many secrets and lies swarming around pulling a wool over to many eyes. Well not to her she'll play nice, be objective and figure out just what is the real true here and how or if humanity can be brought back from the brink.
Yvaine:"there is alot going on but some things don't add up i need to go read over my notes before Blake returns i'll see you later today?"
Jourdi:" Yeah, take care ."

As daylight brightened she swiftly slipped out the gates and off into the woods to hunt.


Whatever civility resided in in Shiner City's luxurious city square is now rocked and pelted with debris from a massive explosion in the small dead end where Pulemetchik's base of operations was.  Rubble now clutters the area, and black smoke belches forth from the inferno created by some kind of large IED…

Jourdi Dixie and the sheriff

Jourdi Dixie and Sheriff Lex / 4/26/2014

[17:58] Sheriff Gellantara carefully moved up the street, keeping a finger just above the trigger to his M4.  Heavy gear, armour, gun...a fucking Sheriff!  He had tracked through some thicket earlier after seeing some smoke, and came to face the destructed ruins of...something.  "Holy mother," he muttered.

[18:03] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) had been searching through the rubble just about all night making sure making sure that bastard that did wasnt lying about no one being in here she was dirty covered in ash and dirt few burns on her hands and arms from being to close to the flames. She stood wiped some dust from her forehead which just left a black smugde of ash behind confindent there was no in the rubble now.

[18:05] Sheriff Gellantara couldn't quite tell, but someone was moving in the smoke.  Whether it was a walker, or a person was hard tell for the man.  So he carefully stepped forward, keeping his barrel aimed downwards, but still in her direction.  "Hey, are you hurt?" he called out to Dixie, keeping ready to raise his rifle up.

[18:06] Glock 18: Say 'draw' to draw me, then enter mouselook and click to fire.

[18:09] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) quickly drew her gun her eyes narrowing as she point it him on guard after the run with that crazed man from last night. That thick soutern redneck accent rang out rather agressively"Who the hell are you?"

[18:10] Sheriff Gellantara didn't look too amused that she just drew her weapon at him.  "Deputy Alexander Gellantara, Shiner County Sheriffs Department..." he started out slowly for her, "You uh...wanna not point that weapon at me, please?"

[18:15] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) tilted her head and narrowed her eyes further rather suspicious if he was indeed from the sheriffs department. She clear walked through the rubble and past the remaining flames her gun and gaze never wavering. "Is that so, then where the hell have you been? Why haven't I seen you around here before?"

[18:19] Sheriff Gellantara looked around, then looked back to Dixie.  "If you don't believe me," he started as he pulled out his ID Card, and showed it to her, "This should suffice.  As to where I've been?  There's more to Shiner County than just this place.  There are other people that needed help more than you folks.  I only came into town to check on the smoke and booms."

[18:24] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) studied it then his face and lowered her weapon. "You check out ." she relaxed slightly."My apologies for being so abrasive we seem to have a increase of crazies here lately. "

[18:26] Sheriff Gellantara looked around a few moments, then took his card back from her.  "So I've noticed..." he muttered as he looked around the rubble of the camp, "Everyone evacuated from the area, casualties?" he started to ask as he slung and clipped his rifle on his carrier.

[18:27] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Luckily none, the perp purposely blew it up with no one in it."

[18:29] Sheriff Gellantara raised his brow a bit, questionable morals.  "Then you know the bomber?  What were his motives," he asked as he drew a pen and notepad from his duty belt.

[18:31] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I don't know the bomber just had a stand off with him after he created this mess. His motives besides insanity? They have to do with the leaders of the two different groups in the area."

[18:32] Sheriff Gellantara would have raised his brow higher at that explanation, then continued to write whatever it was he was writing.  "Faction Wars...the worlds gone to shit and people are turning on each other left and right...makes you wonder what happened to this community..."

[18:32] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "They are evil and this place needs to be cleansed." she stated mockingly. "Thats how he put it."

[18:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) grunted and noded in agreement. "Sometimes I wonder if I am the only reasonably sane person left in this world but maybe being former military I just cope better with all this shit."

[18:38] Sheriff Gellantara noted that last bit there, and then looked up at Dixie for a moment.  "What's your name?" he asked in a more serious tone, "You don't...sound like you're from around here."

[18:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) extended her hand it was covered in ash and she had yet to realizes that she had some burns on it as well. "Jourdain Dixon, Some call me Jourdi, most call me Dixie. That would be because I'm from Georgia."

[18:46] Sheriff Gellantara wasn't afraid of a little dust and ash.  So he shook her hand firmly, "Like I said, Deputy Alexander Gellantara.  Folks call me Lex."  Once he was done shaking, he wiped ash off his palm and wrote down a few more things on his notepad.  "So I haven't been here for maybe...six months?  Mind giving me a quick piece of history on the place since then?"

[18:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I've only been here about a month or so myself I think, hard to keep track of time everyday seems to run into the other. Mostly it seems to be a constant power struggle between the Blake Prison group, that where I stay when I am not out and Abe's camp group that live high up on the cliff."

[18:51] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "They constantly fight each other. I person think Blake and Abe are both out of there minds though I dont know either very well. I do know there are a lot of pieces missing from the puzzle and alot of stories and claims from one group to the other don't match up."

[18:58] Sheriff Gellantara took on a very sad expression all of the sudden.  "Oh mother...  I hadn't realized things were so bad this way," he said after a few moments of thinking, then slid his notepad back under his plate carrier.  "So are there more groups, or is it just those two?"

[19:00] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) motions for him to follow her "Be careful where you step that crazed bastard has some land mines placed down too."

[19:08] Sheriff Gellantara carefully inched his way over to Dixie, keeping an eye on the ground.  "Too bad our bomb gone..."

[19:09] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) points to the large round hatch. "That is suppose to be a military bunker and there are suppose to be a troop inside. I've never seen anyone come out or go in. I only know that there because someone told me and another confirmed it."

[19:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): /nods."Yeah not my area of expertise either I mostly deal with the injuries cause by them if the person wasn't complete blow up."

[19:11] Sheriff Gellantara looked at the bunker, and then back to Jourdi.  "Yeah...that's one of the old Fallout Shelters built back in '67.  You sure it's a military bunker?  There wouldn't be any power."

[19:11] Sheriff Gellantara: Nor supplies...

[19:11] Sheriff Gellantara: Nor heat.

[19:11] Sheriff Gellantara: Maybe water.

[19:13] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I'm positive and trust me if a military unit wanted to use it they would find away to make all those things work you'd be suprised."

[19:14] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "But Like I said I have never seen anyone come in or out. Is there any other entrance or eixt?"

[19:15] Sheriff Gellantara looked at her, then back to the bunker.  "Look...I know that shelter in particular pretty well.  Every winter the Shiner Blue Boys pulled at least one frozen homeless out'a there...  No other exist, though, thing is designed to hermetically lock from the inside."
[19:15] Donny Applewhyte: [exits^]

[19:17] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Yeah I tried once but couldn't get it open."

[19:19] Sheriff Gellantara looked over towards the explosives set up, "So, this man who set all of these up, what did he look like?  If he knew how to set them, he knows how to de-set them."

[19:22] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I don't know his face was covered with a gas mask, he said his name was Neschast'ye, which is Russian i think sounds it anyway.."

[19:23] Sheriff Gellantara made a mental note of that, and then looked back up to Dixie.  "Sounds close enough, we'll say Eastern European, so we don't create any stereotypes that would lead to hate crimes."

[19:28] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) wondered of that crazed maniac connection to Puly was it just that they were both russian or could it have to do with the things he had told her to ask Puly about."There are few people that where masks so you might have a hard time finding him." snickered some. "Lex life now a days is a hate crime."

[19:30] Donny Applewhyte pulled out his baton and swung it back and forth for a moment. "A hate crime is me beating you to the brink of death just because you ain't from around here. If we prematurely say we're looking for a Russian fellow, we're gonna have vigilantes...or bounty hunters. If this place was affiliated with one of the factions, chances are that faction is gonna be gunning for revenge. Keep it general, reduces the chances."

[19:34] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smirked. "I know what a hate crime is or was. Hate crimes have become more general now a days or at least here in this place you get hated because of what group your in not because of what race or nationality you are they could care less about that."

[19:36] Sheriff Gellantara nodded slowly, "I'm still partial to the term 'Gang War.'  Because here, that's all those groups are.  Gangs."  He then twirled the baton in a fancy manner, and placed it back on his duty belt.  "Mind if we...mosey on out of here?  I'm paranoid as hell around these boomdiscs."

[19:38] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) snickered. "Yeah no problem, I'll take you back to the prison."

[19:38] Sheriff Gellantara: I'd prefer not to go there as well...

[19:39] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nods."Alright there are apartment near by follow me."

[19:40] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) pushed open the door with her shoulder closing it behind them.

[19:41] Sheriff Gellantara followed her closely, and took a look around once he was in the townhouse.  "Smells like a monkey died in here..." he muttered mostly to himself.

[19:43] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nodded. "Yeah, theres been a few thing that happened here." she headed up the stair. "Its always safer to be up higher."

[19:45] Sheriff Gellantara followed rather close again, it was damn hard to see in the dark!  "I'm sure I don't want to know, do I?" he asked, tempted to grab his torch off his duty belt.

[19:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) night vision was impecible so was just so use to it she navigated around the apartment like a leopardess hunting at night "No." she stated simply. She sat her self down on the floor and opened her pack." Thirsty?"

[19:51] Sheriff Gellantara looked out the large bay windows the place had, and thought about a good way to bring his cruiser into town.  It'd be a hell of a drive through the blocked up roads, but it wouldn't be that bad...  "Nah, thank you though.  No offence, but I don't feel comfortable relaxing too much here."

[19:55] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) shook her head." This is as relaxed as it gets." she pulled out two bottles of water. "Its just water, I've been in those flames and ash all night and most of the day I'm dehydrated, she held out the other bottle to him." she finally noticed her burns."Well shit."

[19:57] Sheriff Gellantara had a little stiffled laugh for a moment, "Remind me not to go to bars with you," he muttered as he kept a watch, for movement.  "You know...when this all first started, I was literally the greenest Deputy on the force...  I think about now I'm the only one left."

[20:00] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) chuckled. "I have some moonshine if you'd rather have that? Really? " she tilted her head up to look at him." How did you manage to stay alive?"

[20:03] Sheriff Gellantara shook his head, "Nah...never was a liquour man.  Give me a cold beer and some hotwings and you have my attention."  His hand then pressed against the glass, how exactly had he stayed alive so long?  "Playing nice with folks, trading, sleeping in my cruiser's trunk, avoiding herds, and never traveling too far from friendly folks."

[20:05] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) drank some water before pouring some on her hands to clean the ash out of her burned she winced slightly."How many walkers have you killed?"

[20:07] Sheriff Gellantara: I don't go out of my way to kill them, but I also don't keep track.  You can easily learn to avoid your enemies, especially if they're dumber than a sack of rocks.

[20:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "In my experience you have to kill them or the kill someone else someone who is not as well trainer as I or a child who is to afraid to protect themselves." she took a cloth out of her pack and cleaned the burns more wiping back the ash that didn't come off with the water.

[20:13] Sheriff Gellantara had never thought of it that way, he had seen plenty of people getting along just fine.  " its new modern heights I guess.  My job is to protect and serve, hitting every single walker I see would have left me without any ammo what-so-ever long ago.  But when there's someone in trouble, I'm there with them...trying."

[20:16] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Thats good. You should try and use other weapons to conserve your ammo the noise from guns draws in more."

[20:18] Sheriff Gellantara tapped at his baton as he looked over to her for a second.  "Tonfa, works abnormally well...  Hasn't broken on me yet to boot."

[20:19] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Do you get any training at all with hand to hand combat, knives or anything like that in the force?"

[20:21] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) took a small jar out of her pack and rubbed the balm inside on to her burns.

[20:22] Sheriff Gellantara: Basics, how to disarm and disable a perp.  We've mostly relied on tasers, and basic tackles for non-lethal takedowns.

[20:26] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nods. "I actually learned most of my skill with my knives, hatchet and cross before I ever joined the navy. I was raised by my crazy grandfather who basically thought you should be able to care for yourself no matter how young you were. I killed my first buck when I was 10."

[20:30] Sheriff Gellantara thought about that one, it was far from how he had been raised that was for sure!  "My dad took me hunting when I was 14...  Shot the first deer I even saw.  Turns out it was a doe, and we only had buck tags.  Game wardens never found out that was the best venison I ever had..."

[20:36] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I've been hunting and tracking since I was 6. Eaten just about anything in the forest you could think of theres nothing I can't track and hunt. I have to say though I hate turtle soup I got so sick from it once but that could have been because of the moonshine also which was the staple beverage in our household. "

[20:36] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "My upbringing was very unconventional."

[20:37] Sheriff Gellantara looked back at her again, slowly shaking his head.  "Very is an understatement.  I mean...most people with an unbringing like that turn into monsters."  He then took a quick look out front again, "No pun intended..."

[20:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nodded. "I wasn't all bad when my daddy was on leave from the marines and came to visit us and those were quite pleasant times I held on to those and as soon as I was old enough left and joined the Navy to get away from it all."

[20:49] Sheriff Gellantara: Huh...sounds a lot like my decision to become a Sheriff.  Only I was running from a deadend career in filing papers.

[20:56] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "How do you go from filling papers to joining Law Enforcement?"

[21:01] Sheriff Gellantara rubbed his neck some as he thought about that one himself.  "A lot of it has to do with my Dad, he was a cabby here in Shiner, was capped by some punk.  I remember, I was just turning 15 when it happened.  I ended up befriending one of the younger Deputies that were working the investigation.  Next thing I knew, about a year or so ago I got a call from him, saying that a Deputy position was opening up, and he wanted to get someone he trusted in with him."

[21:04] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I'm sorry, was he your only family?"

[21:05] Sheriff Gellantara: Nah, my mom was still alive last I heard from her...which was about a year ago.  Not even a zombie apocalypse can kill that old bitch... HA

[21:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smirked."Don't get along with her?"

[21:06] Sheriff Gellantara: Not really, no.  My mom old bat.  Yeah, she paid a fortune for me to go through business school, only for me to go into law enforcement.

[21:09] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I bet that really ticked her off. My mother was wonderful but she died when I was 6 thats how we ended up with my grandfather."

[21:10] Sheriff Gellantara reached into his jacket for a can of Copenhagen, managing a stupid smile.  "Sometimes I half expect to find my mom running at me from out of nowhere, looking to tan my hide with her cane..."

[21:10] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) laughed."Fear that more then a walker."

[21:11] Sheriff Gellantara: Oh hell yes, my mom has that hot headed Italian in her...  I think she could nag a zombie to death, three miles away from it.

[21:33] Sheriff Gellantara packs his can for a few seconds, then clears his throat.  "Dixie, wanna help me set up caution tape around  Help ward off stupid people..."

[21:34] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) snickered."Sure, its hard to fix someone if there all blow up."

[21:34] Sheriff Gellantara: Follow me, not too far to my cruiser...

[21:36] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) follows closely behind him." Pretty nice cruiser you have."

[21:38] Sheriff Gellantara did one little visual scan of the street where walkers tended to congregate.  Once he was sure there were none he pushed his keys into the back and popped the trunk, then slowly lifted it up, shifting aside a few dufflebags to grab some old caution tape.  "Thanks...wasn't really mine.  Like I said, I was new, so I was shotgun with Deputy Anders.  Good guy, but he got bit trying to help woman getting mobbed by a herd," he muttered in a sadder tone.

[21:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) frowned slightly and lifted her hand and gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. "We all have lost many friends and family in this hell."

[21:44] Donny Applewhyte also grabbed a few traffic cones, thenclosed the hood. "I figure I lost some, but not everything," he said as he started to unwrap some of the tape. "Place is hellish, but it could always be worse."

[21:46] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nods. "I'm the only one left of my family and I never really had any friends but i would chose this world over living with my grandfather anyday."

[21:48] Sheriff Gellantara shivered a bit at the thought of that one, heading over towards the recently exploded settlement.  "Can't say I'd be alive today without friends...  Would be hard to get along without 'em."

[21:51] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I was pretty much a loner until the navy. Since I've been here I've met 1 person that i consider a friend and then theres the dog and cat. Most others I haven't decided if there trust worry enough yet."

[21:51] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "You want to give me one end of the tape and I'll walk it over to the other side."

[21:52] Sheriff Gellantara started to wrap a bit of tape around the light post, and nodded some as he did.  "With a faction war, I don't blame you..." he said as he worked, and tossed a separate tape roll to her.  "With the breakdown of society...well...comes bad things."

[21:55] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) walked to the other corner and wrapped the tape around it a couple times before tying a knot to hold it in place. "Your right about that Lex."

[21:57] Sheriff Gellantara was actually pretty good at portioning off police lines, so one could wonder how many times he had done it.  "Absolute power corrupts the absolute, I believe the phrase goes," he said as he started to bring the line over the road, setting down a cone and sticking a post down through it for him to wrap the tape around.

[21:59] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Done this quite a bit hun?"

[21:59] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): huh*

[22:00] Sheriff Gellantara nodded slowly, "DUI crashes mostly..." he said with a stupid grin, "I'd kill to just see that again instead of...this...stuff..."  He then motioned all over, "One giant fucking crime scene, you know?"

[22:01] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Yeah, its a shame it was a pretty nice camp."

[22:02] Sheriff Gellantara sniffed some as he looked over into the smoldering ruins, "It's a shame that I can't go buy some more music from the old Record Store too..."

[22:04] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) shakes her head and smiles."You dont really have to by things anymore the path to the store is clear if you wanna grab one."

[22:04] Sheriff Gellantara: Yeah but then I can't sync them to my Zune...

[22:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) chuckles."I guess I never thought of that."

[22:09] Sheriff Gellantara crossed his arms a bit as he looked off to the sky.  "Oh well, shit happens," he said as he finished up with the tape, and tied together the two tape lines in the middle.  "This should deter stupid people...or attract them..."

[22:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "True lets just hope they know to watch where they step if they do get in."

[22:11] Sheriff Gellantara: Caution:  Anti-Personnel Explosives tape is not standard issue, unfortunately.

[22:13] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nods looking up to the sky. "Its about dinner time, are you hungry?"

[22:16] Sheriff Gellantara looked down at a digital watch on his arm and shook his head some.  "Not entirely...though I do have to head out, promised a family out on the highway that I'd help them clear out a well with a walker trapped in it..."

[22:19] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled and extended her hand a again. "Its been a Pleasure Lex. Take care of yourself."

[22:20] Sheriff Gellantara reached down to shake her hand again, "Dixie, I'll be back tomorrow morning most likely.  Gonna see if that video game myth about shooting land mines to explode them is true."

[22:22] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smirks. "I hunt early morning but I'll be around."

[22:22] Sheriff Gellantara nodded and tipped his helmet.  "Eh, since this place isn't overrun, I might just wear my actual uniform," he said with a short chuckle, then started off to his cruiser.

Warning signs

20:00 h

Nes, Lex

[16:21] Sheriff Gellantara slowly opened up the door to his cruiser, and pulled his M4 out after him.  "HEY, I saw you with those bombs, kid.  You have a lot of explaining to do...just come out, and we'll talk!"
[16:26] Neschast'ye (neschastye) had just caught his breathe after escaping the man, when he heard that was all over with for the moment. "Fuck," he muttered under his breathe, pulling his M-10 out, just incase. "Nothing to concern yourself with stranger...go fuck yourself and your system!"
[16:27] Sheriff Gellantara noticed how the bullets didn't fly off the bat, so that was good, right?  "I ain't here for a shootout, kid, I just wanna talk," he said, hiding the M4 from view.
[16:28] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Gritted his teeth a bit as he heard that, from a cop? Wasn't right. "Yeah well, this talking shit? It works just fine from behind these planks. So GET to GETTIN, stiff!"*
[16:29] Sheriff Gellantara leaned forward on his door just a bit, "No reason to get hostile, friend.  I just want to know, what were you planning on doing with those bombs out by the Prison Gates?"
[16:33] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Rests a hand on the iron bars, and peeked out at the man through the wood. He didn't look armed, but he knew better. "Looking for a rare fucking African bird, called Nonyabiznus, pig," he said with a laugh. "Look, I think WalMart still might have some donuts...shouldn't you be 'questioning' them?"*
[16:36] Sheriff Gellantara stiffled a laugh at that joke, and then patted the door of his cruiser.  "Not a huge fan of donuts...but still...  C'mon out of there, and we can talk...  I just wanna know what you were doing with explosives."
[16:39] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Rattled the bars some, grinning madly. "Settin bombs up for the fuckin zeds! What do you think, pig?"
[16:44] Sheriff Gellantara exhaled when he heard this, then nodded some, tossing his M4 back into the passenger's seat.  "All right, you stay away from the prison, friend...  Just know, I got my eye on you."

[16:46] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Snorted some, reading his hand out from between the planks. "Yeah, fuck you you Totalitarian PIG," he said, and then slipped back in, going back to his little home made barbecue.

Lex, Dixie, Psy
01:31 h

[20:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) strides through the gates lugging a few rabbits and some fish that she had caught and smiles as she notices a familar squad car and she silently and slowly walks up behind Lex.

[20:36] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Thats a better look for you Sheriff."

[20:39] Sheriff Gellantara was a lot better at writing than sheriffing it looked lik.  When he heard Dixie, he looked over at her.  "Heya, this from a family out near the county lines.  Was nice," he said, then moved back to continue writing something on his pad.  "These texts look familiar to you, Miss Dixon?"

[20:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) snickers some." So formal, I've never been called that before." she studied the wall. " If I had to guess I'd say it was that crazy Russian he said he was gonna make his mark on the prison."

[20:44] Sheriff Gellantara wrote that down as he nodded.  "Caught a glance of him settin' some mines out by that blanket on the fence.  Claimed they were for walkers.  Stopped in to see the managers...but no one came runnin' when I sirened."

[20:47] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Maybe there off fighting Blake's war. The fence guards were sleeping when i left to go hunting this morning." smirks." I still think he could be a little more artistic its kinda boring to look at."

[20:48] Sheriff Gellantara looked up at the painting, then looked over to Dixie.  "It's all over too...  Inside, here, the tower, the signs..."

[20:51] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) huffed."I am so not cleaning it up." she furrowed her brow."I need to find out who this man is and how he know whats going on here , I have a real bad feeling about this."

[20:52] Sheriff Gellantara casually spit to his side, and huffed a bit.  "I think I know where he's hold up...  But I ain't fixing to go busting in there.  He had an assault weapon, and my gear doesn't cover anything but my chest."

[20:58] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) shrugged. "Who said anything about busting in? Maybe we're just coming for a friendly visit." thought about alice in wonderland reference her and Neschast'ye exchanged. "Perhaps we just want a cup of tea and some raspberry tarts."

[20:59] Sheriff Gellantara laughed a bit, cracking one of his silly little grins.  "We can try that...though two people brandishing weapons might be a bit...intimidating for the lad."

[21:02] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) yeah she was quite fearless the only thing that has ever scared her was loosing those she scared for and really there weren't many left now.....oh and spider she hates those nasty 8 legged buggers death to all spiders! " I'll even be so kind as to bring a meal." she smirked and held up her catch 3 fish and 2 rabbits.

[21:06] Sheriff Gellantara raised a brow, looking at the fish and rabbits.  "You were out all day, and got three fish and two rabbits...?  Sounds like you were doing more than huntin' out there, Dixie."

[21:10] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Walkers cause me an issuse because I them I have to go further out to hunt where the animals feel safer and I have been pushing myself as hard as I usually do my ankle is still recovering." she looked him in the eye. "What else could I be doing out there Sheriff?" she grinned.

[21:14] Sheriff Gellantara realized what he said a few moments later, and chuckled a bit.  "Sorry, I'm usually suspicious of out'a staters.  Old habits.  I'm sure you were doin' your best out there, maybe nappy a bit in the tree or natural cave," he joked on, and then tucked his notepad in his jacket.

[21:19] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) chuckled and nudged him on the arm."All is forgiven no worries." she turned away."Come lets go give Mr. artists his welcome basket. You can be the good cop and well I'm not a cop but I'll be the bad one."

[21:20] Sheriff Gellantara ruffled in his pocket for his keys, "You want shotgun, or wanna ride in the back?" he asked as he moved over to unlock the driver door to his cruiser.
[21:21] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I think I'll take shotgun."

[21:22] Sheriff Gellantara takes a moment to unlock the door and start the engine up.  "Stash your piece," he reminded her as he eased off the parking break and shifted into first gear.

[21:24] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I can't remember the last time I was in a car."

[21:34] Sheriff Gellantara stepped out of the cruiser and shut his door, looking over towards the WalMart, then to the Gas Station.  "Right between them two buildins," he said as he looked up at the rooftops of the buildings, just to make sure he wasn't up there sniping.

[21:36] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) stepped out of the car and walked around the front to the drivers side. "behind the crappy fence?"

[21:45] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Noticed the cruiser again...he wasn't in his gear this time, so most likely they wouldn't suspect him... So he jsut smiled and nodded to the two, "Hey folks, welcome welcome to Shiner!"*

[21:51] Sheriff Gellantara looked over to Dixie, then to the man behind the car.  So he slowly stepped over, flashing the badge on his breast.  "Howdy, friend," he started, then motioned towards the fence.  "Ya seen folks comin' and goin' from that there hole?"

[21:54] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) narrowed her eyes slightly at the stranger across from them and took no time at all crossing the road moving around the back of the old beat up car and circled him similar to a shark scoping him out .

[21:55] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Was still smiling, noticing how Jourdi moved in on him, acting like a was kinda funny to be on the other end for a change. "Sure have," he said as he took a drag of his cigarette. He then tilted his head to one side, "No need to be so distant stranger... I won't bite unless you ask...heh..."*

[21:57] Sheriff Gellantara stiffled his own little laugh, moving forward to lean on the front of the car.  "I'm Deputy Alexander Gellantara, this here is Jourdi Dixon...we were hoping to come through and talk with the occupant of that there hovel."  He then reached into his jacket for a can of tobacco, idly smacking it between his fingers, "Did you happen to spot any suspicious fellows, willin to give us a description?"

[21:59] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) made mental note of his height, shoe size and Physical appearance. As she moved around around to the front of the car where she parked herself suspicious of the stranger she remained quite as she continued to study him.

[22:00] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) came closer to the two and slid herself to sit on the hood of car.

[22:00] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Brightened up a little bit as the sheriff got a little closer, and leaned on the car as well. "Maybe..." he said in a slightly more sultry tone, "What's it worth to ya, Sheriff Stud?" As he spoke, he had a slight grin on the leftside of his face, while the right remained neutral.*

[22:02] Sheriff Gellantara got a bit of flush to his face as he said that, but managed to keep his smirky attitude.  "Well, I see yer a smoker, friend, I'll give ya two full packs of Camels for any information ya got," he said in a cool and collected tone, trying to keep a serious face.

[22:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) cracked a slightly grin at the comment."Well a bit of a charmer are we?"

[22:07] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Kept his lopsided grin as he scooted just a little closer to Alex, throwing one leg over the other. "Call me Psy, and I will call you Alex," he said with a full on smirk, then tilted his head back. "Hey, when you got the golden tongue, you use it for more than one thing, Miss Dixon..." He then reached his hand out infront of the Sheriff, "Smokes first, then descriptions bub."*

[22:10] Sheriff Gellantara smiled, it was about all he could do!  Though it did feel a little good deep down to get some appreciation.  "I like him already," he said with a chuckle, pulling out the two packs and set them down in his hand.  "And please, call me Lex, Psy."

[22:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) wonders what is up with being called miss dixion all of sudden made her feel old even though she wasn't even 30 yet. "I bet." she stated simply her eye not waving from him .

[22:13] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Took the smokes in his hand, and even sniffed the sealed packages. "Mhm..." he said as he put them into his jacket. "Well, first guy was kinda my height...wore a blue greatcoat, kinda like a Civil War Union Jacket...carried a big ol' dufflebag that clanked like a can alarm..."*

[22:15] Sheriff Gellantara pulled out his notepad and started to write down the description, and a note about his irrational attitude.  "Did you get a look at the gentleman's face, Psy?"

[22:21] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) tilted her head her eyes narrowing inquisitively something seemed vaguely familiar but she just want sure and couldn't quite put it together. "What about his shoe size?" it would seem like a strange question but hey she was after all a tracker.

[22:23] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Tapped his finger against the hood of the car, and let his smile fade. "Mm, he had a M17 gas mask, and a ski mask," he said as he turned to Jourdi, and smiled some. "As for his shoe size...I don't know, I'm not a foot man, I'm more of a...chest man, and you sir seem to be a right fit for my liking," he spoke in a cooler tone, looking to Alex and resting a hand on his chest.*

[22:25] Sheriff Gellantara went on to a hardcore blush, clearing his throat a bit.  "You certain about this..uh..mask he wore?" he asked in the most suspicious tone as he could summon with the touching going on.

[22:29] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "not a problem I'll figure it out." crossed her arms and could not help but snicker slightly at the display Psy was putting on.

[22:31] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Tilted his head to the side, and patted Alex on the chest a bit. "Mhm, I'm sure you two will find out, and get what you're looking for," he spoke with a sultry tone, "But,'s about you and I take a drive in that cruiser...and I can show you where this big, bad blue guy hides his crap?~"*

[22:33] Sheriff Gellantara was visibly uncomfortable in this situation, and turned to Dixie.  "Mm, sadly...I really can't, but uh...I'm sure Dixie would like to see it.  She's a better tracker than me," he said, shooting her a 'HELP ME' kinda glance.

[22:39] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled her sweetest smile which was more like a smirk as she batted her eye and moved to Lex's side draping an arm on his shoulder. "Oh, yes I would love too, It would give me great pleasure."

[22:41] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Pouted just a bit, and wiggled two fingers, "OOH, I get it, sorry, I didn't know you two were a couple," he said in a bit of a giddy tone, then slid off the trunk of the car. He then turned to Jourdi, "Sure, sure girly~ It's not too far of a walk."*

[22:44] Sheriff Gellantara tipped his cap to Nes, "Thanks for helpin," he said, "I'll stick here to make sure there's nothing comin or goin from the hovel."

[22:53] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled and decided to play into this a little more she leaned close to him and placed a kiss on Lex's cheek. "Don't worry I'll be careful." she winked and as she stepped away from him she let her hand slid down his arm and gave his a hand a quick squeeze before moving just past Psy.

[22:54] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Laughed just a bit, moving to point off towards the city limits. "Onwards my lesser-known sidekick," he spoke in a Heroic tone, and started off, very casually.*

[22:55] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) move off following Psy.

[22:56] Sheriff Gellantara: Have fun...

[22:57] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Strolled along to the wrecked truck, then pointed to the bed. "Under there," he said with a smile, then tilted his head, "Black dufflebag...pumped full of explosives, gasolinecans, mines. the works...and his mask too."*
[23:00] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) still suspicious and wondered if she bent down to look if this fellow was gonna knock her out or something of those sort."How do you know it belongs to him? And how did you come to find it?"

[23:04] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Gave his lopsided smile to her, and then back down to the truck. "Oh I tracked him...followed him. I had...a suspicion about him after I saw him slip out of the old military camp in the city....once he was free and clear, boom! And then I saw him duck into this field, and stash his crap down there... Once he bolted for that barn, I snuck over and poked my nose in."

[23:10] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) thought it was rather convenient that he just happened to be there through all of that and she wasn't sure she quite believed him. She knelt slightly and tilted her head to see under the truck. "Well lucky for us you just happened to be there." tilted her head a bit further and saw the bag before she stood back up. "Well you right it is there."

[23:12] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Shrugged some, "What can I say? I like to stand infront of WalMart and smoke," he said with a sheepish grin, "That way I can meet folks... Like Lexxy, quite a catch by the way. How'd you meet that hubbahubba?"*

[23:15] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) grined. "Now thats a story." she chuckled.

[23:16] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Clapped his hands together and looked to her, "Oh do tell! Doo tell. I'm sure he won't be mad if we take a while."*

[23:22] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled and leaned up against the truck. " Well actually it was only about two days ago that we met. I had been searching through the rubble of that camp explosion all night and day making sure there was no one caught in the rubble. Lex strolled up and called over to me an naturally I pulled my gun on."

[23:23] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Ruffled his brow, "Ooh, so he likes the whole 'play bad' kind thing?" Of course he still had his grin on.*

[23:27] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) was quite elegantly telling the story and honestly it sound perfectly true. "Well I didn't know who he was I had to protect myself. I walked over to him with my gun still raised he lowered his and told me who he was and I made him prove it by showing me his badge." she put a hand against her chin. "Honestly I'm still suprised as i wasn't looking my best at the time being covered in ash and dirt but I gues he saw past that."

[23:29] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Rested his hands over his chest, "That is soo cute, being able to find love even during the end of the gives you hope for humanity..." He spoke in a such a casual tone, then smiled, "I'd hold onto him tight, Miss Dixon, or else I might have to take your scraps"*

[23:31] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Oh trust me I don't plan on letting him go. SO I'm sorry no scraps for you." she grined. "we should get back."

[23:32] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked up to the sky, and then nodded, "Yes, let's head off, wouldn't want Sheriff Gellantara get worried, heh," he spoke as he started across the field again.*

[23:34] Sheriff Gellantara looked over to see the two and waved.  "Howdy there you two, find the stash," he asked as he walked over.

[23:34] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled as they walked up to Lex she move next to him and slipped her arm around his. "of cource we did."

[23:37] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Still kept his silly smile on, and rubbed his hands together. "Such a cute couple... You two 'folks' stay clean, 'ya' hear? Heh... And if you ever come back and talk to me. Or if either of you...just wanna talk. I'm an open door...heh.."*

[23:39] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled. "Thank you for your help, keep your eyes opens and watch your back that man is dangerous."
[23:39] Sheriff Gellantara nodded some, "We sure will, Psy, you've been a big help to our investigation," he replied, then looked to Jourdi.  "Let's roll...see if anyone is awake over at the prison now."
[23:41] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nodded and pulled him along to the car not letting go till they got to the driver door then she moved around the car and slipped into the passenger seat.
[23:41] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Waved to them, "You two have fun!"*

[23:42] Sheriff Gellantara leaned back in his seat, starting the engine again.  "is it bad that that was...kinda nice...?" he asked, shifting into reverse.

[23:44] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled. "That what was kind of nice?"

[23:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I don't trust him."

[23:45] Sheriff Gellantara shut the car off, and opened his door, "I do...what didn't sit right with you?" he asked as he stepped out.

[23:47] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) came around to the drivers side leaning against the car.

[23:48] Sheriff Gellantara shut the door and raised a brow, "Dixie?"

[23:50] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "the flirting was a bit to over the top." she then bit her lip. "I mean not that he wasn't right or anything I mean you are rather handsome and that get up you almost look like doc holiday. " she suddenly blushed and looked down at the ground. "Crap."

[23:53] Sheriff Gellantara fiddled with his collar, keeping his own little blush there.  "I appreciate the sentiment...but...ya know, I'm sexually confused as it is.  Oh, and I don't have the Holliday Mustache..."  He then took on his more official look and cleared his throat, "I like to think of you as my Turkey Creek...just...don't go spreadin the work that I'm a fag, if ya could...  Dunno how well that'd go down."

[23:57] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Go figure." she smiled." I would never you dont have to worry about that but he still thinks were a couple I had to tell him the story of how we met and got involed."

[23:59] Sheriff Gellantara rubbed his chin as he listened, and gave a nod.  "All right...that's not too bad.  His info did check out though, right?"

[00:01] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "So if he asks it was a love at first sight thing sort of except for mr pulling my gun on you." nodded. "Yeah but its all just to convenient for me there is just something not right about it something not right about him."

[00:03] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): " But there is something Familiar about him I just can't place it yet but i will."

[00:04] Sheriff Gellantara crossed his arms a bit, "Well...  Every CI has their vices.  I'm putting my money on Psy being a callboy.  Chances are...he stays in the city for johns or something..."

[00:05] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) shook her head. "I don't know something tells me its more then that. I could be wrong but I always trust my gut instint."

[00:07] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "And I'm sorry for making us a fictional couple but when he said it I just went with it."

[00:07] Sheriff Gellantara: Well...  I say trust your gut, Dixie, and I'm gonna trust mine.  Fellow seemed...a bit touch too. touched, not retarded touched...or molested touched...ssshit.

[00:16] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Oh and you should know he suggested that i dont let you get away so I said i don't ever plan too. So sorry about that too." her lips twisted into a frown of sorts.

[00:22] Sheriff Gellantara raised his brow just a bit, "Okay...Dixie, you need to work on your storytellin just a bit."

[00:23] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "i wasn't expecting him to ask."

[00:24] Sheriff Gellantara shrugged a bit as he leaned on his cruiser, taking a look about the prison was oddly dead.  "OH, also...  Ya know a fellow named Pulemetchik?"

[00:24] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) raises a brow."Yes why?"

[00:26] Sheriff Gellantara: Met him while I was blowing up landmines.  He's...kinda creepy.  Talked like one of them Rainbow HIppies.
[00:27] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smiled slightly. "He's a good guy saved my life my first night here, he can be a little strange but I like him, he's a friend."

[00:28] Sheriff Gellantara: You totally sure?  He's got a paramilitary dressup, reckon he has explosives experience too...

[00:30] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Are suggesting he is to blame for all this or he is the man in the blew coat and mask?" she sounded kind of defensive.

[00:32] Sheriff Gellantara shook his head slowly, "Suggestin, yes.  Eastern European follow, about Psy's size, knowledge of the area...  He's part of Blake's crew, and...that leads me to believe he might be tryin' ta give the Prison Group a pity-card.  Not to mention...rumour is...he shot a little girl.  I'm not sayin it's him, but I'm kickin this idea ball to ya.  Do ya think he'd have it in 'im?"

[00:38] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) furrowed her brow and growled. "Yes he is Russian but not the right one, I've seen him in and out of his mask enough to know that the man in the blue coat is someone else entirely there body language and manerisems are completely different. " she huffed. "And as far as shooting the little girl yes her shot her but it was an acceident and unintentional he didn't know she was in the barn when he shot the lock off the door she was hit by a bullet in the leg and died while he tried to save her."

[00:39] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): he*

[00:41] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "There is alot more to that then anyone knows, like how di Mia get in that barn? Why was she so week that she couldn't survive a gun shot to the leg? and where the hell had she been before she wound up in the barn? No seems to know any of that all they seem to do is gossip around how Puly killed her."

[00:42] Sheriff Gellantara stared her right in the eyes, the cold glare of his Catalin eyes could probably be felt.  "I believe ya," was the first thing he said, "For now...our only suspect is the callboy in the city?"  He then looked over to the yard where Mia was buried, "There was no autopsy, so...that'd be heard to say.  I ain't looking to piss that Slav off, so...I ain't gonna press him on the Mia issue."

[00:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Don't he took it pretty hard." she slumped to the ground and leaned back against the car and rested her head in her hands.

[00:47] Sheriff Gellantara slouched a bit as he thought more on it, "Well shit...I reckon it's beer o'clock almost," he muttered, "Times like this I miss the ADA's and blue boys..."

[00:48] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I'm sorry ..." she almost whispered. "I shouldn't have jumped on you like that."

[00:48] Sheriff Gellantara: Honestly, I dun blame ya.  I accused yer friend of something big, and ya defended him.

[00:53] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Yeah but you were just doing your job." she pulled her knees in and leaned against them the usual strength and confindence she gave off seemed to be lacking at the moment she seemed vulnerable which was not a trait she showed really ever.

[00:54] Sheriff Gellantara noticed how she let her guard down, and took a deep breathe.  "I hit a blow close to home, didn't I?"

[00:59] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) looked up to him and half heartily smiled her eyes wet and nodded. "People I care about tend to die, and not just because of this whole zombie thing before that too. So When it come them I'm extremely protective. "

[01:02] Sheriff Gellantara nodded slowly as he heard about that, then looked off to the sky.  "I understand the feeling...  I reckon every one of my friends from before ended up as chow.  Leaves ya jaded, unwillin to get more, on the account ya figure they'll end up as chow too."

[01:07] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nodded. "Sometimes I'm afraid of how protective I am, afraid of what I might do or how far I would go."

[01:09] Sheriff Gellantara: That's admirable, it really is.  In this gotta step that extra inch to protect yer friends.  Just like I'm takin these extra steps ta help people.  Ya know?

[01:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nodded. "Yeah, i try and reel myself in I did something really horrible once and I don't ever want to repete it."

[01:15] Sheriff Gellantara nodded some, "We all do shit we ain't proud of, Dixie.  Don't let it bog ya down."  He then moved to sit down next to her, reaching into his mouth to fish a wad of tobacco out and tossing it off on the ground.  "Like me...when Anders was grabbed by the first walker, I had the perfect chance to blow its head off, or mercyshot him.  I just...turned to look at the girl who was grabbed, to see if I could save her.  I thought Anders something..."
[01:20] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sighed leaning against him resting her head on his shoulder not meaning anything by it just seeming to need the human contact. " I killed people and I don't mean because of military gun fire I killed them because i wanted to because of what they did."

[01:22] Sheriff Gellantara rached around and patted her shoulder.  "I've killed people too...homicide can be justified," he said as he looked up to the sky.

[01:28] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) stayed in that position leaning against him suddenly feeling rather foolish. "well geez feel like a blubbering fool."

[01:29] Sheriff Gellantara: Nah, everyone needs to vent.  It's normal human reactions.

[01:30] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I dont' open up like this to anyone so you should know for sure that I trust you now."

[01:33] Sheriff Gellantara playfully jostled her shoulder, "And you know my deep, dark should tell ya we're thicker than water now."

[01:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) muscled a smile and pushed back then leaned over and kissed his cheek as a friend gesture a thank you ."Thanks."

[01:41] Sheriff Gellantara reached up to ruffle her hair.  "If Sheriff Harmon was still alive, I'd deputize you in a minute.  Yer prime public servant material, Dixie."

[01:43] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) chuckle."Thanks, thats a real nice coat. I have to find me a coat like that." she stood and stretched." I'll leave it to your choice if you want to keep up our fictious relationship infront of Psy." she smiled. "I think i need some sleep." she then grinned "You gonna come to bed sugar or guard the gates a bit longer?" chuckled and winked.

[01:44] Sheriff Gellantara slowly stood up and looked to his cruiser.  "I've gotta go patrol, and maybe find some gasoline for the old girl," he said, then patted the top of the car.  "You have a good night, Dixie, sleep well."

[01:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "you too stay safe."

A spoonful of sugar

Lex / Psy
05:06 h

[01:49] Sheriff Gellantara stepped out of his cruiser, looking to Psy, "Hey..."
[01:50] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Perked up and grinned as the Sheriff returned, "Hey Lexxy! Where's Jourdi?"*
[01:50] Sheriff Gellantara rubbed the back of his head...  "We need to talk, Psy, in private..."
[01:51] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Rubbed his hands together, "Ooh, okay sheriff...let's head for one of them townhouses, huh?"*
[01:52] Sheriff Gellantara nodded slowly and started off towards one.
[01:54] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Lead the Sheriff up into the second floor, and reached down to turn on a lamp.  "Here we are, let's talk..."*
[01:52] Sheriff Gellantara blushed as he looked around, rubbing the back of his head.  "Look...Dixie and I ain't a couple...and I legitimately wanna know:  Why flirt with me?"
[01:52] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Tilted his head with that silly grin, "Ooh, so you're open..." he started as he moved around to give Lex a hug.  "Well...want me to show you?"*
The rest is NSFW.

Lex, Psy and Carlotta in " "

Carlotta tries to escape from the zombies. She opens the door of a barn. But there is welled metal blocking the entrance. She turns around to spot a police car heading towards her direction. An officer jumps out of the car and shoots the walkers.
Carlotta: Help me! Please!
Carlotta sobbs and hides behind the man
Sheriff Gellantara was more than quick at hopping out and taking care of the walkers, most likely attracted by his cruiser.  After that he was quick to lower his weapon.  "Woow, that was too close...  Howdy there."
Carlotta: Sheriff! Please help me
Sheriff Gellantara eased out of her grip and turned to her, "Okay...  Slow down," he said as he holstered his M4.  "I'm Deputy Gellantara, what's yer name, ma'am?"
Carlotta Adams. Lottie...
Carlotta: I am so scared
SSheriff Gellantara nodded slowly, "Okay Miss Adams, are you bit or scratched?"
Carlotta: No no ... but i am scared...
Carlotta: I don't know where to go. they are everywhere *sobbs*
Sheriff Gellantara looked around, making sure that the place was clear.  "It's all right, I was just on my way out to check the prison again...but uh...I got my home set up off in the city with my partner.  If ya want, I can run ya there.  Relatively safer than this here country side."
Carlotta: Please please, yes. I am so scared. They killed my grandparents...
Carlotta: Please help me
Carlotta dropping her bloody crow bar
Sheriff Gellantara motioned towards his cruiser, "I'm here to help, okay?  Hop in the passenger's seat, we'll get ya to the house, get ya some food.  Sound good?"
Carlotta cries: Yes, oh thank you. Thank you so much
Carlotta quickly hops in the passenger seat.
Donny Applewhyte nodded, picking up her crowbar before doing anything. He handed it back off to her, "Just in case...ya never know what hold onto this," he said, then moved towards the cruiser, unlocking the doors and getting in the drivers side.
Carlotta holds onto the crow bar still sobbing quietly
Sheriff Gellantara exhaled as he made sure it was safe to get out.  "All right, we're in the first townhouse.  C'mon and follow me," he said as he opened up his door, then quickly moved around to open the door for Carlotta.
Sheriff Gellantara looked up to Psy, and smiled a bit, "Hey, Psy, be a dear and throw some beans on, we got company..."
Neschast'ye: *Looked down to see Lex with a woman, "All right...fancy..."*
Carlotta looks up at the man than follows the sheriff
Sheriff Gellantara unlocked the door and took a look behind him, "We're clear...  we should be safe."
Carlotta sits (collapses) on the floor and pushes the crow bar away.
Carlotta: oh god
Carlotta looks up at the sheriff.
Carlotta: I am so sorry
Sheriff Gellantara proceeds to sit on the floor as well. "Sorry the place ain't too furnished...  Ikea was closed," he said with a straight face, then looked over to Carlotta.  "It's all right, can ya tell me what happened Carlotta?"
Carlotta: I will pull myself together
Carlotta still sobbing
Carlotta: I lived with my grandparents on a farm in Thomasville.
Carlotta: We were run over by these ... dead people.
Carlotta: They ate my granny... and my grandad.
Carlotta sobbs
Carlotta: I saw it!
Carlotta: It was so awful!!!
Carlotta: I ran
Carlotta: I am so exhausted, Sheriff
Sheriff Gellantara gritted his teeth a bit as he heard this, and frowned a bit.  "You're in good company now, Carlotta...  We ain't too permanent here in town, but this here townhouse is defencable enough for us."  He then looked over to Psy, his frown quickly turning to a smile.
Carlotta sniffs and looks up to the other man
Carlotta: Hi (with a wining voice)
Neschast'ye: *Came down the stairs with a can in his hand, top cut open, and a bottle of pop. He moved to hand both down to Carlotta. "I'm Psy, Sheriff Gellantara's partner," he said with a lopsided smile.*
Carlotta takes both with a grateful forced smile
Carlotta greedily eats and drinks
Sheriff Gellantara watched her, with a bit of concern.  "You know where ya are, Carlotta?"
Carlotta: No, in a town? I don't know.
Sheriff Gellantara slowly took his hat off and leaned back in his sitting position.  "You're in Shiner, Texas."
Carlotta: o-kay. I rode in my grandads pickup. Then I walked. *still chews and drinks*.
Carlotta looking at Psy thankfully
Carlotta calms down
Neschast'ye: *Smiled just a bit, "Eat your fill, sugar. Glad to know someone here likes my cooking..."*
Sheriff Gellantara rubbed his eyes a bit, there were dark circles under them.  "Shiner City...isn't the safest place in America, between the zombies and constant bombings from a faction war..."
Carlotta: The best I ate in weeks *tries a smile*
Carlotta: Zombies? Is that what these dead people are called?
Sheriff Gellantara: I like to call them walkers...on the account they're always walkin.
Carlotta nods
Neschast'ye: "I like to call them geeks...since they'll eat anything... Like I once saw one reach into a flaming car wreck just to eat."
Carlotta looks at Psy with big eyes.
Carlotta: They are dead, aren't they?
Neschast'ye: "Who's they, sugar?"
Carlotta: these things, these walking "corpses"
Neschast'ye: "Oh yeah...only way to stop them is destroying the brain. It's gotta be the brain too...just chopping them up doesn't work."
Sheriff Gellantara looked up to Psy, then looked back to Carlotta.  "Psy is a bit of a...zombie hunter..."
Carlotta: I see. I just hit them with the crow bar. I didn't understand then ...
Neschast'ye: *Ruffled his brow just a bit, "You need a pistol, sugar?"*
Carlotta: But I cannot shoot. I never held a gun in my life.
Sheriff Gellantara: Well...that's not really our expertise...shooting that is...but there's a survivalist that comes through every other day, named Puly.  He can help teach ya to shoot.
Neschast'ye: "Just don't trust him very well, sugar. He's from the Prison..."
Carlotta puts down the food and looks at Psy helplessly.
Carlotta: I don't understand. The prison?
Neschast'ye: "Well, there are two main factions here... Abe's group of rag-tag wannabee freedom fighters, and then there is Blake's group in the prison, which is kinda...cultishly fanatical to Blake. Some bad stuff goes on there."
Sheriff Gellantara shoots a look to Psy.  "There are good people in both groups..."
Carlotta looks at both man.
Carlotta: oh god, I just want to be safe and not alone.
Carlotta: It was all so terrible.
Sheriff Gellantara shrugged a bit, "Like I said, you're welcome to board up with Psy and I.  We're fairly neutral, and have some supplies I get from running over Lavaca to help folks."
Carlotta: Lavaca?
Sheriff Gellantara: Lavaca County, s'county that Shiner resides in.
Carlotta: oh, I see. Thank you so much, Sheriff, ...Deputy.
Sheriff Gellantara: Call me Lex.
Carlotta: okay Lex *forces a smile, still shaking and tears rolling*
Carlotta: I thank you both so much
Carlotta slowly gets up from the floor
Sheriff Gellantara slowly studd up, and cracked his back a bit.  "Ooh, Psy, be a dear and grab one of the FEMA cots from my trunk, would ya?" he asked, then looked back to Carlotta, "Don't worry about it.  There' public services I gotta step up to help folks."
Neschast'ye: *Raised a brow, "She's not gonna be sleepin upstairs, is she?" He then looks over to her, "No offense, I like to sleep naked..."*
Carlotta looks straight at Lex: "I am very grateful. Believe me, Lex."
Sheriff Gellantara slowly pinched the bridge of his nose.  "Psy, don't be rude..."
Neschast'ye: "ooohkay, Lexxy..."
Carlotta looks at Lex kind of startled.
Carlotta: He does not want me here, does he?
Sheriff Gellantara: Forgive him, he's just....he was alone for a long time before I met up with him.
Carlotta suddenly makes a step toward Lex and takes his hand
Carlotta: Thank you so much.
Sheriff Gellantara rested his hand ontop of hers.  "Don't worry about it, I would be a shitty public servant if I didn't help the public."
Carlotta lets go of his hand, steps back and bites her lip.
Carlotta nods
Carlotta: so I can rest upstairs?
Sheriff Gellantara nodded, "We'll just have to find somewher else to have our uh...'maritals.'"
Carlotta looks at him puzzled
Carlotta: I don't understand
Sheriff Gellantara: We're partners...
Sheriff Gellantara: Er, lovers...ya know...
Carlotta: *mouth open* oh, I understand. Please
Carlotta: don't ... I mean... I don't want to disturb... just give me a safe place to stay.
Sheriff Gellantara: We're plannin to board the place up as soon as we're settled a bit by tomorrow the place should be secured enough to live in without fear.  Until then, I'm sure the upstairs will suffice, no matter what Psy says."
Carlotta nods quickly.
Carlotta: Thank you
Neschast'ye: *Grunts as he hands the heavy cot to Lex. "Here," he said with a bit of strain.*
Sheriff Gellantara took the bag, and looked over to Carlotta. "Wanna pick out your 'room?'"
Carlotta: sure (smiles thankfully)
Sheriff Gellantara: You got the run of the house, feel free to poke around a bit and figure out where ya wanna stay.
Carlotta: *nervously* I don't know. Please, I want a safe spot. Maybe upstairs?
Gellantara nodded and motioned for her to follow.  "C'mon up with me..."
Sheriff Gellantara: Well...  Our beds at the end of the long nook...
Carlotta: I see
Carlotta: Can I sleep here by the window?
Donny Applewhyte sets the bag down and unzips it, taking out the steel framed cot,, then set it down by the window, Sheriff Gellantara: Here we go...not exactly a Hilton Inn...but it's comfier than the ground.
Carlotta: oh god, how will I ever be able to give back to you two?
Sheriff Gellantara: Don't worry about it, Psy and I are here to help you folks.  We ain't expectin much in return...though sooner or later, we'll have to teach ya to shoot...incase of a herd.
Carlotta: Yes, sure. And I really wanna learn it.
Sheriff Gellantara: We won't do it today, we'll give ya a few days to rest and collect yerself.
Carlotta: yes, thanks. I will rest now.
Sheriff Gellantara nodded and looked out hte large bay window.  "Rest up, if ya need somethin let Psy or I know.  One of us always stays at home."

Carlotta lays down, sighs and nearly falls asleep at once.

Psy, Dixie, Puly in "Love hurts "

[15:29] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Waves down at Jourdi, as she seemed to suddenly be in town...on a horse. "Well 'howdy' there 'partner!'" he shouted down to her with a smile, "You seen Lexxy today?"*

[15:31] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) road into town on her newly aquired steed I guess she really did do more out in the forest then hunting she had spent the last few weeks gaining the trust of this wild mustang before she acutally managed to ride him and boy di it beat walking.

[15:33] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) turned in the direction of Psy." No, I haven't I've been busy."

[15:34] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Crossed his arms a bit and let out a little sigh. "Oh well... Fancy yourself some lunch? Ya look a little....hoarse...heh..."

[15:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) moved close to the townhouse still extremely suspious of the fella but he didn't need to know that she smiled."What are you having
[15:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "

[15:37] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Leaned forward on the porch and kept his smile, "Turtle soup! I dunno what else to call it. I just threw a few cans of soup in with some ration dumplings. It's....kinda like porridge I guess!"*

[15:41] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sudden and almost threw up in her mouth at the mention of turtle soup reguarding a conversation her and lex had had about how much she hated turtle soup. "How about you through that out and I'll cook up a fresh lunch."

[15:41] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): throw*

[15:42] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Ruffled his brow, "Hey! My cookins fresh too, was ment for Lexxy and I, but that fellow took a walk early in the morning to investigate some gunshots further in town. And we have a sleepy guest he hauled in from the swamps, so I can't really go out lookingfor him."*

[15:44] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) hoped down off the stallion and untied the bag from her saddle horn and sent the horse off to eat some grass. "Come down and let me in."

[15:46] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Strolls down and unlocks the front door, then after that shuts it back and hits the deadbolt on it. "Theeere," he said, then moved over to the barrel stove and grabbed the pot, along with some bowls and spoons. "Excuse the mess...we just started moving in today."*

[15:50] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) moved inside and untied the bag and walked over to there make shift counter. "Pretty fast move." she sat the bag on the counter and pulled out the contents 5 dead rabbits. She pulled out her buck knife and began to skin them. "By fresh cooked i ment freshly killed."

[15:52] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Could only shrug lightly, "Whatever you say, sugar," he said as he carried the pot outfront to dump it in the bushes.*

[15:54] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) after skinning them which really did not take her long at all she pulled over the small bowl gutted them letting the guts fall in the bowl
[15:56] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) cleaned out the cavity with some water and cut the heads off." So I'm gonna assume Lex told you the truth?"

[15:59] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Whistled some, taking a short drink of the leftovers and then walked in, closing the door with his boot. "Mhm, it was nice of you to cover for him, you're a good friend," he said with a grin.*

[16:03] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "He was uncomfortable, I do what I can." she turned to him and smiled her shirt being rather low cut today revealed the two sets of dog tags that she wore one said US Navy which was of cource hers and the other said US Marine Core with the Name Nikola Barkov on which was or cource not hers.

[16:07] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Watched her dress the rabbit carcass, he'd have to learn sometime, didn't he? "Well, he trusts you well enough, so I trust you too 'Dixie,'" he said as he moved off to clean out the cooking pot.*

[16:16] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "He's good man and my friend." smiled oddly and twirled the knife around in her hand and with one swift move she was right beside him and hip checked him into the wall and held the blade to his neck. "But you hurt him and I'll kill you, understand?" she smiled sweetly giving the impression she was joking but her body express seriousness which made it very unclear whether she was joking or not as she stared down dead in the eyes.

[16:18] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) was close enough that he could read the dog tags very clearly if so choosed.

[16:20] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Was taken completely offguard when she hipchecked him into the wall, and pressed the blade to his throat. Up close...she could most likely smell Lex on him, as well as cigarettes...and gunpowder! "Crystal clear sugar," he said, tilting his head back just slightly, "And if you ever hurt him...well...let's just say I won't kill you...but those tags might end up missing..."*

[16:24] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sneered her eyes went wild and filled with pain and pushed the knife closer to his skin he could feel the cold metal against his flesh.

[16:25] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Grinned like a maniacwhen he felt that rush of cold metal against his flesh. "Ooh, soft spot? Mm...afate worse than death, ain't it? Should give you an idea how well *I* want to protect Lexxy..."*

[16:28] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) it was almost as if she didn't hear him and pushed the blade more he could feel it begin to scratch his flesh.

[16:28] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "You ever touch them and I'll skin you alive."

[16:30] Pulemetchik quietly moved up to the door as he heard some ruckas going on, and then slowly tried the was locked.  "Suka!  I'm bustin in, ya fuckers got two seconds to drop your guns," he shouted, putting his boot to the door, basically knocking it off its hinges, and moving in with his weapon drawn.

[16:32] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Was just grinning the entire time, and was just about to butt-tap Jourdi when he heard something... A noise from behind, and then the door got knocked off its hinges. He just turned his head to see Puly, and gave a little grin. "Hey buddy!"*

[16:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) Dixie still had the knife to his throat she hadn't move an inch quite crazed at the moment she didn't even hear Puly bust in.

[16:36] Pulemetchik slowly shook his head, reaching over and he latched right on to Dixie's neck.  "LET GO OF HIM," he shouted right into her, while at the same time he pressed his boot to Psy's side and kicked him into the corner, to split them up incase they were fighting.

[16:37] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Squeaked as he got kicked in the side, tumbling right out of Jourdi's grip, with a cool cut on his face now!*

[16:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) snapped out of it from his touch and dropped the knife she looked to a backed up a few steps turned her head to the other voice. "Puly....."

[16:47] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Slowly rubbed his head as the mysterious Slav was quick to disappear after breaking up the fight, and then he touched his cheek. "Owie..."*

[16:50] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) seemed confused one hand clasped around the dog tags the other rubbed her head and as Puly seemed to vanish she wondered if he hadn't really been there at all.

[16:51] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Slowly stood up and dusted himself off, then looked at the cut real quick in the shininess of a nearby blade. "Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark..." he said under his breathe.*

[16:53] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) suddenly it clear to her what happened. "Psy.........I'm sorry......I.....I didn't mean to hurt you."

[16:54] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked over at her, then waved his hand dismissively, "Oh don't worry about it sugar... It looks totally badass. I bet...Lexxy is gonna love it. Course I won't tell him how I got it..."*

[17:07] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) picked up her knife and put it in the sheath. "Really I don't what came over me. I didn't intend to hurt you." her hand still clasped tightly on the dog tags. "Let me clean it up for you?"

[17:14] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Shrugged just a bit, "All right," he said as he poked the cut again. "Make it look good too!"*

[17:15] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) managed to smile." No Problem I'm an fantasic doctor go sit down."

[17:18] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Walked into the sittingroom they had set up, and popped down in one of the seats that Lex had setup for the dining room.*

[17:27] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) leg go of tags and took off her pack setting on the table she rummaged through it pulling out a small kit and a mason jar full of a clear liquid. she opened the kit and it was full of medical supplies."Ok let me take a look." placed her gently one held his chin the other brushed the hair away from his face and just for a few secs she studied his face still something was so Familiar what was it she briefly looked like she knew something but then went back to examining the wound. "A couple stitches you should be good as new."

[17:30] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Kicked his legs idly as she started to work on his cut, it wasn't deep, but it seemed he was a bit of a bleeder! He kept that same grin on his face, tilting his head as she worked. "Ooh, stitches!" he said, the grin brightening up a bit.*

[17:34] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "its that that deep but theres alot of blood." grabed a cloth out of the kit and opened up the jar pour some of the clear liquid onto it." This is gonna burn like hell but it will clean it." she warned as she carefully and gently dapped the wound.

[17:36] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Tilted his head head some, his grin turning into grit teeth as he felt the dabbing on his wound. It burned like hell, that was for sure, but he was pretty good at taking pain. "Oh fuck," he groaned out, "Huuurts so gooood"*

[17:38] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) leaned close to him and lightly blew air as she dabbed lessing the pain slightly.

[17:39] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Spread his legs out a bit and stretched as he felt the bling... "Oh man...can we get ice cream after this," he asled, somewhat lucidly.*

[17:44] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) chuckled."Whatever you want." she put down the cloth and pulled a small jar out her pack opening it she dipped her fingers into the balm and then very carefully trying not to hurt him to much spread it across the wound.

[17:47] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *WInced some, but took the pain like a pro. It was easy to see how Lex got acquainted with the guy so fast. So he reached up to slowly claw at the wood, his grin reappearing.*

[17:49] Pulemetchik wondered back in after a while, and had his rifle resting in his hands as he came back in to see Psy sitting pretty and Dixie was still there.  "You two making friends now," he asked with a glare, to both of them.

[17:51] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "That will lessen the pain while stitch." blinked and looked up as she heard Puly. "So you were here earlier?"

[17:52] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Tilted his head back to see Puly, and grinned like hell some more. "Hey again buddy!" he pretty much called out, and waved to him awkwardly.*

[17:52] Pulemetchik slowly let his rifle down, and he looked between Psy and Dixie.  "Yeah...  I really was.  I'm busy trying to find the fucker who blew up my fucking camp and about a years worth of fucking food"

[17:56] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) eyes turned back to her kit as she grabbed the smallest stitching thread and a curved needle threading it."Now don't move."she ordered as she stuck the needle through the top of the wound and began her work each stitch perfectly straight and and tightly together. "I might have some for you but we can talk about that later."

[17:59] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Winced as she stuck the needle in, but he didn't move much. When she started to stitch, he just laughed some. "It was Nessy, Puly! He followed me following you!" he said as he sat there totally still.*

[18:01] Pulemetchik slowly looked to Dixie, then stepped in close.  He then holstered his rifle and pushed the table out of his way.  "Brat, chto ty imeyesh'v vidu? Nessy?" he spoke quietly to him.

[18:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sighed she recognize that as Russian but had no clue what was being said she snickered to herself as she suddenly had the urge to speak French just so she could say something that no one would understand. Laced the last stitch and grabbed another jar out of her bag opening it she scooped some out and spread it over the stitches this one had the smell of garlic.

[18:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "There all done."
[18:07] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked at Puly from the corner of his eye, "Chto? Pravda bratan, Puly!" He then twitched as he smelled garlic, and looked over to Jourdi with a grin, "Thanks! That fucking hurt."*

[18:07] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Don't mess with it and when it heals you barely be able to see it."

[18:10] Pulemetchik exhaled sharply through his nose, grabbing Psy by the back of the head and slammed his face forward.  "Vy govorite yerundy, chuvak!" he shouted at him.  "Prizraki ne sushchestvuyut!" he continued, then turned Psy's head to look at him, and pointed down at him.  "Prizraki.  Ne.  Sushchestvuyut.  Skazhi eto!" he growled.

[18:11] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Squeaked and let otu a sharp howl of pain as his face suddenly went down on the table. Automatically he slumped, and went totally docile. "I'm sorry," he sobbed, "ghosts don't exists, don't hit me more..." Luckily those stitches weren't torn in the process.*

[18:12] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) blinked and stepped back wondering what the hell just happened.

[18:13] Pulemetchik let go of Psy's hair, and patted him on the cheek.  "Good boy..." he muttered.  His head then slowly lifted up to look at Dixie, and pointed behind him, "You and me, we need to talk Dixie...outside, away from the kid."

[18:13] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nodded shoved her stuff back into her bag and headed out the door.

[18:14] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Pulled his arms over his head defensively, sacred.*

[18:14] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Where too?"

[18:16] Pulemetchik reached up to pull his mask and hood off.  He had a fiery pit of pure malice in his eyes.  "Right here's perfectly fine...  What the fuck is up?  No one, let me reiterate this, NO ONE lays a fuckin hand on that boy but me, got it?  He ain't right in the head, and doesn't know a DAMN thing about what is going on around here."  He then reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Why the FUCK were you trying to cut his throat, Dixie?"

[18:24] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Ow.. fuck Puly...." left her hand and knocked his away and took a step back. "Because he is dating a friend and something is not right with him, It was a warning, a threat that if he hurt Lex I'd kill him, I never ment to really hurt him....."she rubbed her head and her hand reached to clasp around the dog tags. ..."he threated back that he'd take these and I don't know what happend I snapped I guess really I didn't mean to really hurt him."

[18:29] Pulemetchik didn't move that far, he stayed a steel wall standing right there, staring her down.  "He isn't right in the head, Dixie.  He never was," he muttered as he shook his head and moved his hands down to his hips.  "Who the hell is he dating?" he finally asked after a moment.

[18:37] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Hey, he may be not right in the head, but I don't know there something familiar about his face that has something to do with that Nes Character that he apparently lied about not knowing yesterday.......but eventually I will figure it out. " stared right back."Lex...full name Sheriff Alexander Gellantara."

[18:39] Pulemetchik got that wild streak again, pointing to her, "GHOSTS don't EXIST, Dixie," he said quite loudly, balling his fists up.  "Nessy is *dead* I made sure of that five years ago," he said as he turned and kicked the already broken door.  "GAH!" he said as he rubbed his head.  "Ghosts.  Don't.  Exist...  You should have stayed in New York like I told you to you little fucking shit," he shouted in at Psy.

[18:41] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I met him, I saw him, I was there the night your camp was blown up. He told me to ask you about a couple of thing"

[18:41] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Cowered as he heard Puly yelling ath im from outside the residence. "Izvinite, izvinite," he sobbed as he shook his head on the table.*

[18:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "If ghost don't exist then who the hell shot at me and spoke to me?"

[18:44] Pulemetchik turned to Dixie, heaving his chest up like he was about to explode.  "I don't know who the hell shot you and spoke to you, but it wasn't Nessy.  He is dead."  He then got up close, and looked over towards Psy to make sure he wasn't listening.  "Nessy was the kid's brother.  I shot him one night when I figured out he was skimming salvage off me and the boys back in Pripyat."

[18:46] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "He was watching us that night we were in the Walmart. He told me so who I saw was live and flesh and blood I know I got as close to him as you and I are now."

[18:47] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "You don't believe me?"

[18:48] Pulemetchik looked back over to Psy, and then to Dixie.  "Well...I think you should head on back to the prison," he said as he turned to the door and gripped it hard, his knuckles almost entirely white.  "PSY, get your ass over here boy!"

[18:52] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Sheepishly got up and moved over to the doorway where Puly was. "I dunno where Nessy is, I swear Mister Tachenko," he said with legitimate fear in his eyes.*

[18:52] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) crossed arms. "He said some pretty nasty things about you I defended you and in return He told me to ask you about Andreyevka Village and Cordon down the road from Dytyatky. I don't know about any of that and you never told me. So how would I know about those." with that she whistled and the horse came running she mounted and took off.

[19:05] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) was putting her horse in the pen so he could eat some grass when she heard something in the prison.

[19:07] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) pulled out her crossbow."Who the fuck is in here?"

[19:07] Pulemetchik shouts: Mary Queen of Fucking Scotts.

[19:08] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "What the Fuck Puly? When did you get here?"

[19:09] Lisa Tereya Feng-Svoboda (lisa.feng) is online.

[19:09] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) slowly moved closer and put away her crossbow.

[19:09] Pulemetchik fired a few more rounds into the barrel.  "Long enough ago."  He then slowly turned to her, "Everything you heard about the Cordon and the Village?  Forget about it."
[19:09] Tony (anthonymousir) is online.
[19:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "He didn't tell me anything told me to ask you, I said it didn't matter i didn't care we all have our demons."

[19:12] Pulemetchik turned to point to the barrel.  "That is your answer right there either way.  It burns," he said in a more cold tone than he ever spoke in.  "Now...this Sheriff Gellantara, where is he at?"

[19:13] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I don't know Psy said he was living with him, I would guess he if off helping someone. Why?"

[19:15] Pulemetchik looked around a bit, and had a little grin on his face.  "Gonna explain to him why he shouldn't be around Psy."

[19:16] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "By explain do you mean hurt?"
[19:17] Pulemetchik: Maybe.  If it goes south, yea, if

[19:17] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "NO.....let me talk to him first?"

[19:19] Pulemetchik looked at her, he had a strange look now.  "You tellin me how to take care of business, Jourdi?" he said after a moment, reaching into his jacket.

[19:19] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "You go all ape shit on him and everything I said in your defence last night flys out the fucking window."

[19:20] Pulemetchik slowly pulled out a Spetznas Switchblade, well greased, well sharpened.  "I asked you a question:  Are *you* telling me how to take care of business?"

[19:23] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) notes the strange look. "God damnit Puly I don't have many fucking people left in this world that I care and you and Lex are it and no i'm not just asking you to let me try and talk some sense into first."

[19:26] Pulemetchik still had that strange look as he got in close to her, raising the knife up.  "Listen well, Jourdi....  Don't tell me how to take care of my business," he said, his head slowly tilting to look her in the eye, "Someone is fuckin with Psy's head.  Putting ideas in there.  It ain't you, it ain't me...who's that leave that is around him?"

[19:31] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) eyes watch the blade in his hand. "You wanna hurt me?" she dropped all her weapons and her pack on the floor and leaned very close to him so that blade was touching her shirt . "Then go a head pierce my flesh it could never be more then what I've already endured." she stared directly into his eyes.

[19:33] Pulemetchik twirled the little knife with a lot of finesse, then tapped its dull end against her tags.  "Hurt you?  No...  Scar you for life?  Yeah...  You stay the FUCK out of my business, Jourdi?  You get me?" he asked, that strange look still in his eyes.

[19:43] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I've already been scared for life you have no fucking clue, your to late for that." as he touched the tags her eyes had that wild look again and she rather bold reached up to grab his chin curling her nail under so they would dig in the soft flesh under the skin and she twisted her head. "Stay out......all I've ever done is defend you when all other wanted through you under the bus.....all I've ever done is try to help you ......"

[19:47] Pulemetchik didn't seem to register any amount of pain at the moment.  "You don't get it whole life I've been under the bus.  It's where I belong until someone just FUCKS with the right thing," he said as he slowly trailed the knife down to her tags.  "I'm done 'working' with people.  This whole's hell...I can't protect Psy forever, but I can send a clear message to anyone looking to fuck with the kid..."

[19:53] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) breathing was erratic her chest heeved rapidly up and down her free hand slipped around his wrist that held to blade. "" her nails dug deeper puncturing his skin.

[19:57] Pulemetchik suddenly jerked his knife around, taking the chain around his blade and jerking on it.  "No one ever fucks with me, and gets away with it Jourdi," he said lowly, hostilely.

[20:02] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) growled totally losing it, her gripped closed on his chin and jacket like a pit bull in a dog and with all her might she swirled him around and slammed him into the bars. "You wanna be fucked with I'll show you what being fucked with is like."

[20:07] Pulemetchik wasn't too easy to be pushed around, but when je was swirled around he lost grop on the knife and it flew out of his hand, slashing his write wide.  But he still had fight in him as he reached up and grabbed her face, trying to dig his digits into her eyes.

[20:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) was suprisingly strong for her size though he was still stronger and as he pushed her eyes she lifted a knee and shoved him hard in the groin.

[20:16] Pulemetchik had a steel cup on thankfully, so...Dixie's knee would meet steel.  As he worked, he started to get a bit weaker from his bloodloss, his free hand coming around to try and knock her upside her head.

[20:22] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) crashed her knee cap on impact to the which caused her to dip and she ducked under his blow missing her entirely, she swung behind him and latched her arms around his neck.

[20:24] Pulemetchik stood up straigh, lifting Dixie off the ground when she tried to grip him, then with all of his might crash towards the floor.  Nearly 100kg of Russian Momentum wouldn't be pleasant to land under.

[20:30] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) the impact broke a few of her ribs and knocked the wind out of her she gasped for breath and was pretty much pinned at the moment but she somehow managed to reach a hand and drag her nails across his face peeling off flesh as she pulled.

[20:35] Pulemetchik didn't move at all when Jourdi began to claw his face off, infact...there was no movement to him whatsoever.  On the floor, she would begin to notice the blood along...most likely he had already gone into shock.

[20:38] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) noticed the blood a switch turned and she snapped out it and some manged to squeeze out from under him and raspily spoke. "Puly...Puly.......wake the fuck up..."

[20:39] Pulemetchik didn't move when addressed, though not far from his feet was the blooded Spetznas Switchblade...reflecting the image of Puly's prone body.

[20:47] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) gasped at the bloody blade. "Fuck...." her body in serious pain she moved around to his open wrist adrenilin pumped in she tore off her belt and ripped off her shirt she took her belt and tightly strapped it around his upper arm to stop the blood flow the she tore the sleeve off her shirt and tightly tied around around his wrist. "Don't you fucking die on me here me? .....stay alive...."

[20:53] Pulemetchik was just...limp as she grabbed his arm, she'd see just how nasty that cut had been.  The bleeding had seemed to stop, not totally bleed out, but the coagulation started.  Seemed Puly had a little extra Vitamin K...

[21:00] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): /managed to somehow get to her feet and run off to the med room and grabbed everything she needed to do a blood transfusion she quickly ran back to him and set everything down getting the iv into him first and tied the bag to the bars and readied it from the transfer thank god she was o neg. a second later she shoved the other end of the iv into her arm the released the clip and the blood began to drain from her through the IV and into Puly. "Don't fucking" she just kept repeteing that as she sat next to him on the floor her hand not getting sucked by the IV vampire squeezed his shoulder.

[21:05] Pulemetchik was now thoroughly unconscious, his chest was just lightly raising and falling, and his skin took on a paler complexion, accustomed to a victim bleeding out.  Dixie would also find that he had several previous injection sites, whether drugs or previous IV's, it'd be hard to say...

[21:08] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) noticed the other marks but didn't really think anything of them at this time she was to worried he would die to terrified she'd lose him.

[21:10] Pulemetchik still didn't move, his body still quite lifeless and even now his chest falling started to fail.  His shallow chest movements  then stopped fully.
[21:19] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) kept close eye on his pulse constantly checking his neck and watching his breathing ignoring her own pain and as she saw his movements stop stop she flipped. "'t you do this...don't you dare!!" she screamed she carefully got to her knees which was incredibly with the busted knee cap. She grabbed the medical tape and wrapped around her iv multiple time so it would not fall out and then she lean over him tore open his shirt and started doing chest compressions counting 5 hard pumps then she would lean down tilt his head back and give him a breath and wold keep repeteing it watching for signs of life.

[21:23] Pulemetchik didn't seem to respond to resuscitation, so it seemed like the problem wasn't with the actual circulation of his might have been the blood itself, or rather that greasy knife that was laying at his feet!

[21:28] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Damnit ..nooo...."now she was really beginging to freak and was starting to weaken herself she forced herself to ignore it and crawled over picking up the knife noticing it had a greasy shimmer to it and wondered what the hell was on she smelled the blade to see if she could pick up the scent of the substance.

[21:32]   The blade was smeared with a mix of grease and something smelled a lot like Cucumbers.  Most likely it was the venom of a snake or something, Puly must have used it to torture people.

[21:41] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) made a strange face she knew that smell focus focus focus think think....she rubbed her head and it sudden hit her she reached over his legs and grabbed her pack she dumped out all the contents and grabbed a small hard case when it first came out and tossed her bag aside. opened the case fuck she only had 2 left god she hoped it would be enough but she was getting weaker and need to do this fast she grabbed a suringe and stuck it into the vial pulling it out she then took the suringe and shot it into Puly's IV fuck she hoped she was right because this would kill him if she wasn't. "hang in there......please don't die...." she then repeted with the 2nd vial and she was gonna have to stop the transfusion soon or she herself would need one.

[21:43] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) after the anti-vemon she went back to compressions and mouth to mouth. "work damit work"

[21:45] Pulemetchik was soon stable, his chest started to rise and fall again, this time though, it was more normal.  His body seemed to tense up, and get a bit more colour to it.  The writer was indeed lazy, and that was about it, stable!

[21:54] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) the pain starting to take hold now and very weak herself now having given him as much blood as she could with out killer herself she reached up and pressed the to stop the transfusion but was too week to get the tape and IV off her arm. She dragged herself back over to him and laid her head and an arm against his chest her eyes well with tears that she could not hold back and she just let them flow.

[21:57] Pulemetchik was warm enough, even after all of that, he was warm.  Though the entirity of his right side was a sticky, bloody was the floor.  So chances were, Dixie would go right into blood!

[22:01] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) wasn't even thinking about that and so she just became part of the bloody mess and she finally passed out from a mix of pain and blood loss right where she had positioned herself.

[22:17] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) hours go by before she manages to open her eyes laying in his chest she could feel his chest moving up and down she reach out and gently stroked his cheek the one she didn't claw but then is sudden over whelmed with pain she screams.

[22:21] Pulemetchik moved one hand aside, idly batting at her side.  " govorit'," he muttered half-asleep, though soon enough he was in his own bit of extreme soreness.

[22:25] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) tried to move but was unable she got what shhh was but had no clue about the rest he head was alittle foggy and all she could manage to mutter was....."...he...die....before he taught me Russian..."

[22:26] Pulemetchik suddenly jerked upwards, holding onto one side of his face, the side she had marred up with her kitty-claws.  "Suka..." he muttered, then looked over to a half-naked Dixie, and then remembered the great time he had with a bunch of coke.  "fuuuck..."

22:29] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) slowly she moved hand back to his good cheek and rested it there. "s.....sss.....sorry..." she she stammered through gritted teeth.

[22:32] Pulemetchik looked over at his wrist, clean slice...his handiwork.  So he then moved over to look at Jourdi, and then grabbed the IV and slowly tugged it out.  "C'mon...up...up..." he managed to say, trying to use his 'good' hand.

[22:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) just the bit of movement caused her extreme pain she held back a scream as she tried to force herself to move and get up.

[22:37] Pulemetchik reached down, grabbing her by the shoulder.  He then tilted and tried to yank her up on her feet, only to fail from his own weakness.

[22:44] Pulemetchik leaned down and grabbed his knife, cleaning off the blade on the side of his trousers.  He then took a look at Dixie, and kind of shook his head.  "Three for a girl, four for a boy, and seven for a secret, never to be told," he said, then gave her a look.

[22:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) looked back at him and tried to muster a smiled and nodded. "Agreed."
[22:50] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Wondered in, noticing a half-naked, bloody looking Jourdi. "Heey, you really get around," he commented, and timidly moved closer, poking at Puly. "C...can you leave for a minute, Mister Tachenko?"
[22:50] Pulemetchik turned to Psy, just shaking his head a bit.  "Sure kid," he said, reaching up to ruffle his hair as he walked on passed him.
[22:52] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) slumped against the bars and closed her eyes.

[22:53] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Tilted his head a bit as he noticed that she was acting strange. He then took a short breathe and pursed his lips. "So...are you okay sugar?"*

[22:56] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) tried to muster a reasuring smile but failed ."I'm fine...she winced. Just make sure Puly takes it alittle easy."

[23:09] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Just raised a brow, and rubbed the side of his head, then looked over at the barrel, then to the girl. "Look...I don't mean to bother you but Lexxy isn't back's almost been a full day..." He then gave those sad eyes...*

[23:12] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) shivered and reached for her sweater she was quite cold but giving someone a lot of her own blood would do that she laid the now one sleeved sweater over herself. "Psy I'm sure he's fine he must have gotten held up helping someone. He does that." she managed a small smile.

[23:14] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Moved in a little closer. "Do you...need a hand sugar?"*

[23:16] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Could you help me up?" with all the blood covering her skin you barely see the multiple scars that covered it.
[23:20] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Nodded slowly, he reached down to hook one arm under each of hers, and then slowly hoisted her up on to her feet, seeing if she could stand.*

[23:23] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) got to her feet shakily but as she put weight on the right leg the one with the busted knee cap she screamed in agony and almost fell back down.

[23:25] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Caught her easily enough, and turned her right arm over his shoulder so she could lean on him for support. "Did...Tachenko punish you too," he asked in a quiet tone.*

[23:28] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) leaned against him she was shaking from both the transfusion and her pain."Well no not exactly."

[23:31] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked around to make sure Puly wasn't around, then started to guide her back away from the bloody scene. "Here...let's go...out of here," he said as he started to tug towards the exit of the prison.*
[23:35] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) pack and the contents that were in it and all her weapons were on the floor scattered around. and for now she had forgotten Puly cut off her dead fiances dog tags and were flung somewhere during the fight. "I'll need my bag."

[23:37] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked around and nodded some, moving to slowly lean her up against the bars. "Don't stand on your righty, it's the bad leg," he instructed, and then moved over to start collecting her things, placing them quite orderly in the bag, and then unpacking it and repacking it two more times. After he was finished, he spotted the tags on the floor, then looked up at her, then back to the floor. Carefully he picked up the tags, and handed them over to her. "These. These too. On the floor..."*

[23:40] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) touch her neck were they had been and almost slipped to the floor having forgotten her eyes filled with water and all she could do was nod.

[23:42] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Reached around her head and replaced them on her neck. He then carefully reached around to grab her arm again and pull it over his shoulder. "There we good to walk back to the city with help?"*

[23:43] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) noded and whispered."Yeah, I think so."

[23:46] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Turned and started to walk, awkwardly carrying her backpack as he walked.*

[23:48] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) leaned against him and walked as best she could.

[23:52] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Hefted her a bit, "Almost there..."*
[23:52] Fiz (fizban.underwood) is online.
[23:52] Sheriff Gellantara was home, fast asleep with the radio on.
[23:54] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) more in pain from the journey she was shivering and sweating but she cracked a grin."See there he is."

[23:54] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Laughed just a bit, "What a lazy man..." he muttered as he helped her over to one of the FEMA cots, and maneuvered so she could sit on it without putting pressure on her knee.*

[23:59] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sat still trembling. "thank you."

[00:00] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Set his backpack on the ground and then pulled out one of his spare shirts, and handed it to her. "Here, it won't fit, but I think you'd be more comfortable with a shirt."*

[00:01] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Thanks I'd like to get this blood off though first its not mine."

[00:03] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked around a bit, "Weeeell..." He then moved off to grab a towel and a bowl of 'cleaning' water, then brought it back to her. While the water was clear, it kinda smelled like gasoline.*

[00:09] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sat up as best she could with the broken ribs and all and dipped the towl in the water not careing about the smell she just wanted the blood off but mostly it just kinda smeared. "Does he sleep through anything?"

[00:11] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked back to Lex while he slept, and kinda smiled. "'s kinda cute, because I can play with his stuff while he's napping. Like his hat, and gun, and his glasses...sometimes his car."*

[00:24] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) finished wiping well rather smearing the blood on herself she move her hands to her side to exam her rib and realign them so she could wrap them. Taking a deep breath she pushed hard and let out a screaming curse. " Fuck..........that hurt..."

[00:28] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Furrowed his brow a bit, "We don't have painkillers'm sorry, not much we can do for the pain," he said as he sat down on the floor.*

[00:32] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Don't worry about It be fine, just amazed that didn't wake him either." she pulled some bandages out of her bag and wrapped her knee and her ribs then she slipped on the shirt he had given her and lay back.

[00:35] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Stood up and rubbed his leg a bit, "Well... I think sleeping beauty over there has a good idea..." he said as he turned to go and pick up Lex and drag him up the stairs to the bed upstairs.*

[00:37] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Dusts off his hands, and looks down to Jourdi, "You gonna be okay"*

[00:37] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) noded and closed her eyes but she wouldn't get sleep it would be plauged by nightmares.

[00:39] Neschast'ye (neschastye): *Looked towards the door and moved to stairs. " need something, just gimme a holler, I'll be right upstairs..."*

[00:43] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) they would awake in the morning to Dixie gone and nothing but a note on the cot that read:

 Psy and Lex, thanks, but I couldn't stay I'm not quite right right now, I don't want to hurt anyone else. with love, Dixie.

p.s. if you see Puly, tell him I'm at the prison.

Colton and Dixie in "Kidnapped!"

[20:02] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Aww she is still knocked out

[20:02] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Takes the knife from her pocket and drags her by her hair outside

[20:03] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): /was still knocked out so that wasn't hard getts dragged away like a cave woman.

[20:04] Door: warhawk Brinner Is at the door

[20:05] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Gets barbed wire and ties it around her wrists behind her back

[20:06] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Now i guess its just a waiting game to see when she wakes up ahahaha

[20:09] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Slaps the womans face

[20:09] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): "WAKE UP!"

[20:09] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) slowly she wakes up noticing a change of smell, the feel of hay under her and the drafts of the old barn. she opened her eyes. "what the fuck..."

[20:09] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Oh darlin, your awake

[20:10] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Now dont try and fight your weapons are all gone and you will only hurt yourself trying to get out of the barbed wire

[20:13] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Yeah you fucking piece of shit." thought it was a good thing she took a double dose of thoes pain meds when she did cause shes gonna need them to get through this. she could feel the barbed wire fuck this makes it alittle more difficult. But there was one other thing she thought of she knew the barn wasnt stable after puly had entered so many rounds into it maybe she could work with that. "what the fuck do you want?"

[20:14] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): removes his mask showing that it was in fact colton

[20:14] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "What the fuck Colton?"

[20:14] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Ehehe

[20:15] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Puts his hand on Jourdi's face "Shhh shhh its best you dont talk sweety"

[20:15] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Don't call me sweety."

[20:16] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): I'll call you whatever i please

[20:17] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Yeah well soon you'll be wishing you had never met me."

[20:17] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Babe why so hostile?

[20:18] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Puts the gun in her mouth shoving to far enough down she gags "Im not going to hurt you if you dont try anything stupid ok?"

[20:18] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I ain't your babe and I don't enjoy being kidnapped."

[20:18] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): it*))

[20:19] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): You are mine now ok? you will do what i say when i say it

[20:19] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): As long as you do that i will protect you here

[20:20] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): if you earn my trust the restraints will come off

[20:20] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) gags but pulls herself back so the guns out of her mouth. "I'm not anyones pet and I don't need your protection."

[20:20] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "you can go to hell Colton."

[20:21] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Heh

[20:22] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Do you not want a safe place to be?

[20:22] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): I know the situation at hand doesnt seem to safe

[20:22] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): but we can work things out darling

[20:25] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) smirk. "honey the only one who should be worrying about needing to be safe is you."

[20:25] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Just stop with the tough girl attitude, you are hurt there is blood all over you and you are popping pills like candy

[20:27] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "You have no idea what I am capable of Colton it was the truth when I said this wasn't my blood. "

[20:28] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Then we are alike

[20:28] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Do you know how many think that im military?

[20:28] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): And that im a good guy out to protect them?

[20:29] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Oh, I'm sure you have the wool pulled pretty thick."

[20:30] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): You have to.....

[20:30] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): You like killing

[20:30] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): just like me

[20:30] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): You like the feeling that you were the decision maker on someones own life

[20:30] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): The more pain the better

[20:30] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "we are nothing alike I don't kidnap people and I dont like killing i do it when I have to."

[20:30] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): shh dont lie to yourself

[20:31] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I'm not."

[20:32] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "who have you killed Colton?"

[20:32] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): I lost count

[20:32] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): names dont matter

[20:33] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) thought about how Mia was found in the barn in such a weakened state and wonder if he had something to do with that and that was why she so eaily died from a wound to the leg. "Did you hurt Mia?"

[20:33] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Oh little Mia?

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Mia who whent MIA

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Well fun story

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): i must tell

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): I ran into abraham and the slut he is with

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): they were looking for mia so i took them to her

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): earned their trust by showing them blakes secrets

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): took her back to my place

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): almost like i did you

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): and let her die

[20:34] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): slowly and pinafully

[20:35] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): painfully*
[20:35] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): She cried, she begged me to help her, "I would do anything, what do you want." She just kept repeating it like a broken record

[20:35] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Her cries turned into soft little sobs then silence

[20:36] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): I just sit in my chair

[20:36] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): watching her fade away

[20:36] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Poor little thing it was pitiful but kept me on the edge of my seat!

[20:37] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) so knew it so knew there was more to the story so new there were so many pieces missing and this was a major one. "And then they bust in her and you allow puly to think he killed her. So I guess I was right all along and maybe it pissed you off that I chose to stick with Puly and not you."

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Hehehehe yes sure believe what you want.

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): You will never figure it out

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): No one EVER will

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): I have tricked so many people

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): maybe im lying to you

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): maybe im covering up for someone

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): something bigger

[20:38] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "you set the explosion in the lab didn't you?"

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): who knows

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): AHAHAHAHAHAHA

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Guilty as charged

[20:38] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Why yes dear

[20:40] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "you responsible for pitting both groups against each other aslo arent you?"

[20:40] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Who knows

[20:40] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Maybe

[20:40] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Your the missing puzzle piece.....maybe always means yes."

[20:44] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Im not a puzzle pice

[20:44] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): im the whole picture

[20:44] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): You know the settlement in the city that was burned down?

[20:44] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Puly's group?

[20:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "yes i do and I know who did and that he is working with you or for you."

[20:45] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Indeed

[20:45] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Want to know another puzzle piece?

[20:46] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "By all means."

[20:46] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "tell me"

[20:47] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Puly........

[20:47] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): what about him?

[20:48] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): We work together.

[20:48] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): It was all our big plan

[20:48] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "oh do you?"

[20:48] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): To make eveyone think i hate him

[20:48] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "do you honestly think I would believe that?"

[20:48] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): to turn people against him making him look like the bad guy

[20:48] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): people would never suspect that we were working together

[20:49] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Blake was an easy target

[20:49] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): he has his own demons

[20:49] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): and i used them to make him look like the monster

[20:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Your lying "

[20:50] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Oh im not sweety

[20:50] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I'll believe you in a cold day in hell"

[20:50] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "yo can go fuck yourself"

[20:51] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Well. what makes you think that puly isnt working with me?

[20:52] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I'm not telling you shit."

[20:53] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Gets Jourdi's knife out and stabs it in her ribs "God damn you tell me!"

[20:59] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) takes the pain like a champ her eyes goes wild and she lunges full force into him suprizingly strong for her size she lunges her teeth deep into the flesh of his neck biting with all the force a human could possible tearing into his and riping off a heffy portion of his flesh the force of her lunge would topple them down to the bottom half of the barn.

[21:02] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) rolled quickly away from him when the landed and yanked one hand free of the barbed wire letting it tear her flesh she didn't care she was getting out of here now.

[21:02] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He grabs her bound arms forcefully and breaks her right arm

[21:02] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): Slinging her into the wood wall of the barn he kicks her repeatedly and gets his gun out
[21:03] Colton Bryce (warhawk.brinner): "This is the end for you, you stupid bitch!"

[21:06] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) took the beat and lunged forth back against him head butting him hard in the gut enough to knock the wind out of him and knock him on his ass as she rolled and slipped out of the barn she whistled loudly and her horse came running she pulled herself on and took off toward the moutains.

[21:07] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) they were her element and she would disappear.

[21:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) very late into the in the night she doubled back makign sure to cover her trail so no one could find and she slipped into the prison through the secret way most didn't know about but she had stumbled upon it she grabbed her bag stuffed it with more medical supplies grabbed her weapons and now she was through pissed no more games time to get serious she moved to the lockers grabbed herself a rifle and slipped out of the prison no one the wiser of her presence and then she went to the blown up camp and found pieces of armor and fatiges. she then mounted her steed and took off back to the mountains as she remarked to herself. "Game over Colton... you called down the thunder well now you've got it more will I play hunter gatherer, I may be navy but i trained with Marines and I'm coming for you and all who work with you and hell is coming with me, Hell is coming with me."

30 april 2014

Dixie alone after escaping from Colton

Dixie followed in the tracks of the heard of wild horses, the same heard where she had gotten her steed, knowing it would be entirely impossible for anymore to pick out her horses tracks in this mass unless they were raised in it like she was but even then it would still be difficult and they might miss it.  Dixie had doubled back quite a few time to create false trails should Colton try to come after her he would be met with these and all would only lead him eventually back to town.  She was no fool and hoped he would enjoy being played.

Dixie had finally arrived to her destination and a densely covered overhang form here she could look down and see the whole town Shiner and far off in the distance and miles away and below her she could even see the cliff the held Abe's camp.  She could observe everyone from her with the binoculars she had found in her scavenging but was to far and to covered for anyone to know she was there perched upon her mountain  aerie eyes watching them like a hawk.

For the last many hours Dixie had been running completely on adrenaline that was the only way she could power through the pain she was suffering.  High up in her aerie she was safe now to fix and clean her self up the blood which covered all around her mouth and dripped down her chin had dried, the stab would he had administered to her ribs had only missed puncturing her lung by a fraction of an inch and luckily the bandages she had wrapped around her ribs already applied enough pressure to stop is from bleeding.  Her right wrist and hand had deep wounds from pulling it free of the barbed wire and on the go she had wrapped it in shirt only unwrapping it to bloody her false trails.

Her knee was still inflamed and swollen and her broken right forearm was as well she would have to reset the bone but first she needed to bring down the swelling if she was ever going to function right and have a bearable pain level.  In the mists of the wild horse there was a creek she stripped off all her clothes and dipped herself in the creek she walked to the center which came about waist high, she sat herself against one of the boulders that protruded out of the water and sank herself in so the water came up to her neck.  The water was still icy cold and as long as she sat in it for a few hours the cold would heal and greatly diminish her swelling. To combat the cold on the rest of her body she relaxed her mind and thought of nothing but the warm of the sun and the heat it brought to the sand in the deserts of the middle east she forced her mind to believe thats where she was and not in the cold creek and amazing her body stayed warm.

Hours later she came out of the creek the swelling and inflammation gone any her bleeding wounds staunched but her arm still need set.  She stuffed a wod of fabric from her shirt into her mouth after taking a deep breath she twisted her arm back in to place fabric muffling her scream of pain she splinted it with a few hard sticks and wrapped it with thick straps of leather she has cut from her saddle.  She re-bandaged her ribs and to give them more support as they were weaker from Colton kicking her she wrapped them with a portion of the cow hide saddle blanket after she had scraped the fur off with her knife. With the rest of the cow hide and strapping from the bridle she made a make shift support structure for her messed up right knee and out of a little leather bound case she pulled out of her pack injected it with a steroid shot.

Dressing herself in the military clothing and armor she had scavenged she gathered some fire, dug a hole in the ground and placed the wood in it.  A foot away from the first hole she dug a second with a tunnel to the first this would hide her fire and her smoke. Dixie then laid back, closed her eyes and rested waiting for dawn to break, thinking about everything that had transpired.  Set herself ready for action she would find Blake and Abe and tell them both the truth and how they both had be targeted victims of Colton's evil plot.  But more importantly she would find Puly and see if what Colton had said was true.

Dixie and Blake in "As flies to wanton boys…"

The Prison:

[13:35] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) aims his gun at Dixie, not recognizing her behind the mask."Get of that horse, hold your hands up. NOW!"

[13:37] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) from her perch way up high far off in the mountains where she had been hiding and watching the town she movement in the prison with binoculars she mounted her steed and rode down the mountain exiting it cover again from a different side. trotted up to the prison pulling the gates open and road inside. She spotted Blake and dismounted.

[13:38] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) sent to horse off to the pen with the grass and looked to blake she realized he may not recognize her with the mask. "We need to talk." she said a bit muffled from the mask.

[13:39] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) comes right up close to her, observing her with a cold lifeless stare:" Another anarchist? Oh splenidid? wanna take over the prison? shoot down old people and babies, my guest!"

[13:41] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) shook her head."No, Blake. Let go inside I'll explain."

[13:42] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw): Blake grits his teeth:" Don't try my patience! Take your mask off, you coward!"

[13:45] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) lifted her head to survey the area to make sure it was safe. When she was confindent she pulled off the glasses and pulled the mouth cover down. "Remember me now?"

[13:47] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) frowns and lowers the colt. He narrows his eye:" Jourdi, what the hell is this masquerade for, huh? I really have enough on my plate without you playing wonder woman!"

[13:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) let the mouth cover go to cover her face back up."Now can we go inside? I have something to tell that is of vital importance and matters of life and death."

[13:49] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) nods and walks inside with her

[13:49] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) follows: "Somewhere with out possible ears listening in would be preferable. "

[13:52] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) hesitates and looks around, then walks her to the far hallway, where Puly had set up his sleeping quarters, he folds his arms:" Well?"

[14:40] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) takes off her mask now that they are secure. "Last night I was kidnnaped."

[14:42] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) frowns and nods:" Ah yes...ok...but you escaped of course...and who kidnapped you?" he inquires sarcastically

[14:44] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I was in the medical bay about to pass out from some painkillers for my injuries with a friend when a punk with a mask came in to rob us at gun point when we wouldnt comply he started shooting passed out in the middle of the shoot out."

[14:46] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) raises a hand, starting to believe her:" Wait, the medical bay? it happened here in the prison?!"

[14:46] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "When I came to I realized i was here I was in the barn that person who I thought was just your average junkie was there he removed his mask..."she paused a few seconds."It was Colton."

[14:47] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw): COLTON?!!!!

[14:47] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nods."He is not who he says he is and there is more."

[14:48] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) narrows his eye:" What are you playing at, little red neck girl, Colton was one of us..what more is there?"

[14:54] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "The explosion in the he caused it...."she paused "Blake what reason would I have to lie to you I already know your secrets and what you hide in your room and i could give a rats ass if you have head in your tank we all do crazy things where we loose someone we love and despite the rumors people said about I still gave you a chance and made up my own mind about you. We haven't know each other long but I am asking you to trust me, I have no reason to lie I am trying to help and end this war between the two clans here."
[14:54] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): in the Lab*

[14:59] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) tone and her body language expressed sincerity.

[14:59] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) stares at her for a long moment, then he relaxes and sighs:" have no reason to lie, I suppose." He shakes his head in disbelieve, lays a hand on her shoulder briefly:" and you are still here...not like...the rest of them, they left like rats, Even Puly, "he  looks over to the sleeping bag," has became evasive. So, do you have any idea what Colton is up to? Apart from destroying our community?Why did he kidnap you, how could you escape?"

[15:02] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I believe he kidnapped me ...this is not going to be easy for do to me what he did to Mia. Blake, when Mia went missing Colton had her and torture her basically letting her waste away, that why Puly's bullet to the leg killed her so easily she was too weak. I escaped because I'm not a helpless little girl that he could manipulate I have years of training, fighting and I'm a survivor I'm not about to be anyones pet or prisoner, not again." she looked in his eyes."So when he stabbed me in the rib cage I lunged forth biting a chuck of flesh from his neck and sent us both plummeting to the bottom of the barn pulled my arm out of my barbed wire constrains and fought him off until I got close to the door and slipped out and took off."

[15:08] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) frowns. He goes silent, his fingers curl into fists." This bastard is the cause of everything. Damn killer of children! And all this time we thought..." he narrows his eye:" ok, so he is still at the barn, you say?" he voice is trembling with anger.

[15:11] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "Yes, he is behind everything you and Abe have been his marks, he showed Abe your secrets to manipulate him into this war with you. And the man who blew up Puly's camp in town is part of it too."

[15:14] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) grits his teeth, and nods slowly:" and no doubt they are behind all this" he points the graffiti on the walls:" they want to play...well lets play. "Where is this other man? And how did you find out about him?"

[15:16] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "I was there the night the camp blew up and we crossed paths, he said some hostile things about you and Puly. I defended Puly but I'll admit i said I didn't give a shit about you but I hadn't yet decided if i could trust you my apologies."

[15:18] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw) gives her lopsided grin:" Splendid. Alas, I am used to superficial opinions regarding my person. So this man is still hiding in town? And Puly? where is he?"

[15:23] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander): "As far as I know yes, as for Puly I'm not sure I haven't seen him since ..."trailed off a little and kinda looked far away like she was somewhere else for a moment she crossed her arms flashes of the other night stinging her mind.." Since the other night."

[15:25] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw): "So Puly was in town as well? His eye lid twitches.

[15:28] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) snapped back to reality and tilted her head lifting a brow at his twitch and her protective instinct sort of kicked in."Why do you ask?"

[15:28] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw): "Because I want to know where he stands."
[15:31] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) carefully calculated her response. "Yes, he was trying to find out who blew up the camp and then he returned here."
It was the truth but vague.

[15:40] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw): "ah" he nods and and looks at the sleeping bag again:" Well, time to make arrangements then. If you are really on our side, then you have the opportunity to prove it soon, very soon. We will get them, Colton and his bomb happy friend. I need every information you've got." he gives her a  grim smile:" This is all so exciting, I can hardly contain myself, well.." he scratches his chin:" no time for the wicked, I need to talk to the few good men i have left. And make a plan. If you see Radoslaw, he is out on supply run, send  him to me.

[15:42] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) nods. "I'll be watching with eyes like a hawk, but its not safe for me here not with knowing Colton's secrets dont worry, I'll be around."

[15:44] Blake (vampire77.earnshaw): I sure hope so, that you'll be around when I need you" He nods, then walks off to his quarters

[15:47] Jourdi (jourdain.oleander) slipped her mask back on and slipped out.

To read all stories in detail please touch the bookshelf "Our diaries of the Apocalypse" in world at our welcome platform.